Monday, February 1, 2016

Latest fromthe Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Father Mulligan (Asps Series, Book #8) - Asps and friends solve a problem for MI6.

Today’s excerpt is from Father Mulligan, Book #8 of the Asps Series.  Part of the Asps team, Jim, and MI6 Agent Tony Henry have a mishap as they try to capture some terrorists bent on carrying out an attack in Houston, Texas.  Enjoy and have a great day.



Jim growled, “Okay, everybody—the guy in front, we don’t shoot, unless we have to.  Tony would like a word or two with him.”

Bruce looked over at Jim, three people removed from him.  “Okay, now what?  We wait, or take some sort of action?”

Jim thought a minute.  “Go get that jasper in my trunk.  Take his hood and duct tape off—release his hands, too.  Bring him to me.”

Bruce, suddenly figuring out what Jim had in mind, hurried to the car, reached in, popped the trunk, then soon had a freed captive standing next to Jim, who grumbled, “Okay, here’s the deal.  Go tell your friends if they want to walk away from this alive, they surrender right now.  Go.”

The captive didn’t need to be told twice.  He hurried forward with his hands raised.  In time, those in the barn saw him, recognized him, and stood there waiting.  All but Johnson Smith waited that is.  He glanced at his watch.  He knew time was running short, if his plan was to work.  He signaled for the first truck to move out.

Kye joked, “Our guy runs like a duck.”

That drew a few chuckles, which soon evaporated, as Smith moved to one side when the first truck started to move.  Billy didn’t wait for instructions, as he squeezed off a shot.  It went right through the radiator and engine block of the truck.  It also hit a vital spot, causing the truck’s engine to explode.  What followed caused the Earth to stand still.  In a rapid chain reaction, everything in the barn exploded.  The barn was vaporized…as was the former captive who was only ten feet from it when it went up.  The only thing saving the team was the earthen bank they were all leaning against…plus their distance from the barn.  They were nearly three quarters of a mile removed from the sudden hole in the ground where the barn had once been.

A good deal of airborne debris from the blast rained down on the team.  While most of it was just a nuisance, three pieces of hot metal landed on the team.  Tony’s left hand was severely burned, as was Jack’s back, as well as Maggie’s rear end.  Those three let out varying degrees of oaths—also a few less-than-polite words—before Jim muttered, “Okay, guys, we better hit the road.”

He helped Tony up, then helped him to the car.  As he did, he moaned, “Sure hope your damn foot gets better soon.  First I have to get you to our earthen bank—now I gotta get you back.”

“Thank you, Yank.  I appreciate all the help.”

Jim laughed in spite of himself as he helped Tony into the car, before he ran around it to follow Dusty, who was already driving off, with Bruce right behind him.  The three cars made the highway and were about ten miles down it before sirens could be heard, then flashing lights were seen as various emergency vehicles were pouring down the highway in the opposite direction.  They simply kept on driving, though Jim did let out a sigh of relief when they were ignored.


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