Monday, July 18, 2016

Adios, Amigos, Book #9 of the Asps Series - Asps and friends hit al-Qaida hard.

Today’s excerpt is from Adios, Amigos, Book #9 of the nine-book Asps Series.  The Asps and friends take out the last al-Qaida drug operation in Bolivia.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



Before loading up in the Land Rovers, Bruce spread one of Jim’s excellent topographical maps on the hood of his vehicle.  With Jim, Dusty, and Maggie alongside, Bruce smoothed the map a bit.  “Look, guys…er, plus nice little old ladies…if this map is right—and I’ve never known one of Jim’s maps not to be—I think with the hardiness of Land Rovers we can cut across country.  It’ll save about three hours driving time to the site Maggie and Jack found.  It is here, isn’t it, Maggie?”

As Bruce spoke he pointed to a spot on the map.  Maggie nodded.  “Yes, more or less—if my aging old lady eyes don’t deceive me.  We came down exactly three point eight miles from that turn-off back down the road, toward where we came from.”

Bruce looked at Maggie and grinned.  “Okay, I’m thinking this is the way to go.”

Everyone agreed.  Dusty was assigned the task of leading the team across country to the al-Qaida drug camp.

The drive took over an hour and a half, but actually saved closer to four hours driving time, since they would have to have gone several miles out of their way just to get back to the road Maggie and Jack had used to follow the car they followed.  When Dusty slowed his Land Rover, it was near the top of a rise.  He went just a bit further, stopped, then got out.  He crawled the rest of the way to the top of the slight ridge before he looked down at the camp.  By then, Bear was alongside.  He shook his head.  “I don’t know how you do this, but I sure am glad you always do.”

Dusty joked, “Just a steady diet of sex with my darling wife.”

Kye, who had also come up, bragged, “There’s a husband a girl could learn to love.”

Bruce, also in the small group who had come forward, laughed, “If you were anything like a girl, that might hold true.”

Kye hit him…on his wounded arm…but not too hard.  A smiling group moved back down the hill to discuss the route they would use to walk down to the camp.  After it was agreed on, Bruce looked around.  “Well, there is no place to hide our Land Rovers.  Maggie, you’re elected to stay with them.  You’re English—so are the Land Rovers.”

Maggie frowned.  “I’m Irish—don’t you forget it, idiot.”

Even with one less person on the attacking team, the attack went smoothly, as there were only thirty-seven armed men at this camp.  Most died in the first minute of the attack, as again there was plenty of cover, so most died not having any idea where the shots were coming from.  This resulted in even less wild return fire.  In spite of that, both Ike and Dusty received wounds:  Ike in the top of his shoulder while he was laying prone, which would turn out to be a long time healing, and a shot grazed Dusty’s head.  It knocked him out for a few minutes, but did no serious damage…except to Kye’s heart, as she at first thought she had lost her husband.


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