Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Whodunit Did It, Book #1 of the Bader Trilogy - Reggie and Alan not having fun, but with humor.

Today’s excerpt is from Whodunit Did It, Book #1 of the Bader Trilogy.  Reggie and Alan working to pare down list of possible suspects.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



Alan had come up with an idea to speed the process along.  He had suggested something he reasoned should have been thought of earlier.  The males on their list who were married were not too likely to be the man they were looking for, so could be moved to the very bottom of the list.  The problem now was how to determine just who on the list was married, and who was not.  After working on a very labor intensive system, therefore not saving too much time—Reggie called Homer.  “Hi, Homer—this is Reggie Wilcox over at the cop shop.  You got time to talk?”

“Yeah—if you talk fast.  Actually we’re in a bit of a lull before the storm, so to speak.  What’ve you got?”

“I’ve got this damned list of over five thousand names.  We just used our brains to figure out—since the guy we’re after is very likely gay—he’s not too likely to be married.  So any way to easily move the married guys to the bottom of the list?”

“They should all be single…the ones on the list.  That’s the way we set it up.”

“I didn’t know—or if I did I forgot it, in my half-awake stupor.  Anyhow, if that’s the case, out of the first hundred we checked, we found twenty who are married.”

“People do get married.  You no doubt started at the top of the list with the younger guys, who are more likely to get married.  The list isn’t made up of today’s stats, as far as marriage is concerned.  Anyone married in the last six months might be on it.  Sorry, I can’t help you prune it down any further.  Goodbye, Reggie.”

“Yeah—so long…thanks for bursting our bubble.”

Reggie explained what Homer had told him.  Alan shook his head.  “Crap, I know that—where’s my mind.  I remember being there when Elmer set the parameters for Homer.  As my esteemed leader would say—damn, damn, damn.  We’ve just wasted half a day on my stupidity.  Sorry.”

“That’s what Homer said…’sorry.’  Okay, back to it…no short cuts.  At least we got a smell on the other angle.  Guess I should call Elmer with it to let him know.  They should be somewhere over the Atlantic by now.”

“Naw, let’s wait a while before calling him…we might have something worth telling him.  We tell him we want to go racing off to Costa Rica, he’ll crap.  In addition, if we wait until they get back, maybe we can get NCIS to let us use their plane to go down there.”

“Yeah, that’s gonna happen.  Just like I’m coming back in my next life as a beautiful white gal who’s a movie star…one who has all the men she wants.”

“Do you have secret desires to be white—and female?”

“Neither…just sayin’.  Back to work.  Well, wait a second—maybe white.  You guys get all the perks.”

“Like what?”

“Like Elmer has a fit…so does the Captain…if they see me making coffee.”

“Making coffee is a perk?  You’re nuts.  Besides I’ve drank your coffee—it’s awful.  You know the coffeemaker we have has those nice, little packets of coffee that are supposed to be one per pot—not eight or ten per pot.”

“Picky, picky, picky.  Now back to work, you about-to-be-married young man.”


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