Thursday, July 28, 2016

Monster's Palace (Other Books) - Jo shows Irish mob boss her gun.

Today’s excerpt is from Monster’s Palace, a standalone book featuring new characters as well as Jim Scott and friends.  Jo convinces her mob friend that she knows how to defend herself.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



The mob boss left with his artifact replicas.  Less than half an hour later, however, he returned.  As he walked up to Jo, he asked, “Do you at least have a weapon and know how to use it?”

Faster than he would have guessed she could, Jo quickly had a thirty-eight revolver in her hand.  Without ever pointing it at the Irishman, she flipped it in her hand and handed it to him, butt first.  “It is recently cleaned and oiled, the ammunition is relatively new, and I damned sure know how to use it.  If one or both of your bodyguards—who you were nice enough to leave in your car—had come busting in here, guns drawn, when I got it out, you might well be looking for new bodyguards.”

“Have you ever shot a man?”

“No—but have no qualms about doing so.  I have a very good idea I may have to sometime in the future.  Rest assured I will, if need be.”

“Somehow I think you will do so if you have to.  If so, don’t dally, and don’t blabber away.  Pull the gun, and use it.   What about when you leave the store?  Do you have it with you?”

“Have you noticed the purse I carry?”

“Not really.”

Jo reached under the sales counter and got out her purse.  It was the type she hung on her shoulder with a rather long strap.  In the flap of the purse was a very well-concealed holster space.  She handed it to him.  He looked it over for a while, before spotting the holster.  After sliding the gun into it, he smiled.  “What if someone steals your purse?”

“Anyone trying to steal it better be damned quick.”

As he handed back the purse, with gun in the holster, the Irishman nodded.  “Good luck, lass.  If you ever be needing my help, let me know.”


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