Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Bear's War, Book #5 of the Asps Series - Two captured terrroists are about to get a plane trip to Jim's ranch.

Today’s excerpt is from Bear’s War, Book #5 of the nine-book Asps Series.  After capturing two terrorists in Los Angeles, Hector, Dan, and Janet ditch their car before taking them to Jim’s ranch for some quality time asking questions.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



When Janet reached the parking lot, Hector tossed the keys to the terrorists’ car to her.  “It’s the blue Saab.”

Janet had already figured that out as she scanned the parking lot, but said nothing, got into the car, and soon was following Dan and Hector.  About half a mile later, Dan pulled to a curb and stopped, with Hector and Janet doing the same right behind him.  Janet, who had put on gloves and a tight-fitting scarf before getting in the car, got out, leaving the keys in the ignition, windows down, and got in with Dan, who drove off, with Hector following along.  Janet glanced over at Dan.  “If that car is still there by the time I wake up, I’ll make breakfast for the next month.”

“You’re safe.  It may be gone by now.  I made sure to pick a neighborhood where the likelihood of the car not being stolen is next to nothing…especially since I don’t even have to ask if you left the keys in it.”

“And with the windows down.”

“Beautiful, great in bed, and smart as a whip…I’m a lucky man.”

“Yes, you are…and I’m a lucky woman.”


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