Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Birth Of The Asps, Book #1 of the Asps Series - Dusty and Kye getting to know each other.

Today’s excerpt is from Birth Of The Asps, Book #1 of the nine-book Asps Series.  On an undercover mission posing as husband and wife, Dusty and Kye getting to know each other better (with a bit of humor) as they make plans.  Enjoy and have a great day.



As they had their coffee and light breakfast, Kye asked, “What are our plans for today?”

“We’ve got to rent a truck of some kind…oh, and figure out what a nice married couple would be doing with a truck.”

“We want to take back a truckload of the lovely flowers they have here.”

Dusty looked at Kye with a grin.  “You came up with that awfully quick.”

“Not really.  I know the others are gonna be coming over in that boat Jim bought and will need transportation to the camp for them and their equipment, so while you were off doing your thing, I did some thinking and came up with the flowers.”

“Good job.  Good thinking…especially for a Marine.”

“Hold it, squid.  You were doing fine before you added those last four words.”

“Yes, ma’am, Colonel, ma’am.”

They both laughed, then Dusty asked, “I don’t suppose that your thinking came up with just where to rent said truck, did it?”

“Transportation is the Navy’s job.  Marines do the fighting.”

“Touché.  Off that subject, I do have a question.  What was the idea of telling me you were a lesbian?”

“I did no such thing.  I do apologize for implying it, however.  I didn’t know you, and that seemed the easiest way to make sure I wouldn’t be fending you off down here, rather than tending to business.”

“You could have just said officers and enlisted folks don’t mix…against regs.”

“Would that have stopped you?”

“Not if I found you the least bit attractive.”

“Oh, that’s good…you rat.”

“Married would have stopped me…even if you were the least bit attractive…Whatawaste.” 

“Now it starts.  Look, Dusty, either way, I’m sorry.  Had I known what a nice guy you are and how well you think things out, I wouldn’t have used that ploy.”


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