Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Bullets And Baseball, Book #6 of the Asps Series - British MI6 and SAS, the Asps and friends in major battle with terrorists.

Today’s excerpt is from Bullets And Baseball, Book #6 of the nine-book Asps Series.  British MI6 and SAS, along with the Asps and friends are helped out by Wendy in the C-130.  She swoops down with a Gatling gun raid with the plane after a mammoth mine field deals the terrorists a major blow.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Even as those two men were climbing up the rough terrain, the scouts of the enemy column passed the first of the mines laid out.  Cyrus, of course, saw, as did his group—and a few of those on the other side.  He looked over the column carefully before he reported, “Bruce, for the most part, these fellows are marching four or five abreast,” then paused, smiled at the thought he’d just had, and added, “I would guess you lot from the Colonies would prefer I not use “meters” in my description, so in language you’ll understand, I would estimate they are strung out for roughly half a mile.”

Bruce chuckled.  “Thank you, Sergeant Major…I appreciate you being so kind to us of lesser intelligence.  Bear, what say you?”

“I’d say it’s gonna be a close fit.  You saw where we finished up on your end, Bruce.  So, I’d say when the lead guy in the main force—not their scouts—are about ten feet short of that spot, I pull the plug.”

Bruce replied, “Sounds good.  Cyrus, what do you think?”

“I’m not sure where he left off, but when you tell him it’s about time, if I think waiting might be a good idea, I’ll notify you of same.”

“Fair enough.  Bear, we’ll do it your way.  Cyrus, they have night vision capabilities?”

“No, not that I can see.  Might be why they wanted at least half a moon, since they probably plan to move up the valley at night, then by sunrise hunker down for the day.”

Bruce agreed.  “Yeah, probably makes the most sense…though these Islamists aren’t too long on sense.  I best call Wendy to make sure she’s close by.”

After Bruce made his call, and there was nothing else to talk about, the wait was on until Bruce alerted everyone.  “Bear, I’m thinking pretty soon with the mines.  Cyrus, okay with you?”

“By all means.  The last of them—save a few stragglers—have passed the start of the minefield.”

Bruce ordered, “Do it, Bear.”

Bear pushed his remote button, rigged to set off the entire minefield at one time, and a horrendous explosion followed.  Of slightly over seventeen hundred men on the valley floor, less than eight hundred were still on their feet seconds later.  Of those standing, several were wounded to some extent.

Bruce called Wendy and asked, “Where are you?”

“Coming, darling.  Should be there in less than three minutes—you ready for us?”

“Yup…bring it on.  About half of them are already down, thanks to Bear.”

“Love that man.  See you soon.”

When the plane flew down the valley, it was tilted to about a seventy-degree angle, giving Jim and Maggie, on that side of the plane, easy shooting.  When Wendy announced, “Now,” they started shooting.  With their night vision capabilities, they could easily see their targets and laid down a withering fire, cutting several of the terrorists to shreds.

At the end of her run, Wendy straightened out, made a wide, low turn, then headed back up the gorge.  This time she tilted to the other side, with the SAS troop and Pete opening up.  About halfway through the run, they ran into a problem.  Everything aboard the craft had been secured and checked over three times.  The four gunners were in seats behind their guns.  The seats were bolted in place, and each gunner wore a safety belt to hold them in place.  The bolts on the right side of Maggie’s seat suddenly gave way.  The noise of the bolts snapping was heard over the sound of the Gatlings by both Maggie and Jim.  The seat, with Maggie in it, bent away from the fuselage, almost all the way around, but the bolts on the other side at least held fast.  Maggie was left dangling there, strapped into her seat.

As soon as the run was over the plane straightened out, Jim called up to Wendy.  “We got a problem back here…keep her level until I get back to you.”

“What broke loose?”

“Maggie’s gun chair…but only on one side.  She’s okay, except from the smell of things, she crapped her pants.”


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