Monday, July 11, 2016

Tears And Terrorists, Book #4 of the Asps Series - Judy tells of the hell she suffered in Iranian secret prison.

Today’s excerpt is from Tears And Terrorists, Book #4 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Judy tells Janet and Sarah what happened to her in the secret Iranian prison.  Enjoy and have a great day.



The other thing that happened was a light snow starting to fall at the ranch.  Even though it was late March, snow was not unusual for Montana that time of year.  Sarah, Janet, and Judy sat and watched the snowfall, and Judy sighed.  “It’s so beautiful.”

Janet joked, “Yeah, if you don’t have to shovel it or go out in it.  Your shopping trip to Billings waits until after this melts.”

Judy nodded and smiled, “Maybe I can put on another pound or two by then.  This morning I was up to one oh three.  Either I weighed wrong, you weighed me wrong the other day, or I’m putting it on fast as all get out.  Anyhow, I’m feeling better each day…and remembering more.  What I didn’t want to say in front of the guys is what happened to me in that prison and since.  Oh, by the way, part of the reason I quit drinking was because I was getting fat.  Was up to a hundred and thirty-eight.  By the time the boat went down, I was back to one twenty-two or so.”

Then Judy told her story as she now remembered it.  After being raped repeatedly in all manner of ways, she was started on heroin.  At first it was to see if she was telling the truth.  All the members of the team had a story to give the Iranians if caught.  The story was that teams had been monitoring all the Iranian nuclear facilities for years from a distance to see what kind of activity took place, when it was announced they would be publicly inspected by the Atomic Energy Agency.  While that was a lie, it did match what they were really going to do and seemed to be the best story line, since it was so close to the truth…and would give the Iranians something to think about.  The drugs were used just to keep Judy in line and have her begging for it, to the point she would do anything, including offering sex on a constant basis to the guards and others…including the drug runner the guards had worked out a deal with to take drugs for various favors.  Finally, the drug runner decided he wanted Judy full-time and made a deal with two of the guards…drugs for her.  He bought her for drugs, and a phony escape was arranged.  She was more than happy to go along with it, since she would have a steady supply of drugs.  Then the story got a bit fuzzy.  Judy admitted she was so hooked on drugs she couldn’t remember everything.  She did remember the drug runner giving her alcohol and remembered binge drinking.  But she still had no idea how she got to Los Angeles, other than one reference she remembered when her drug dealer said something about going home if she was a good girl.

When she finished her long rambling story, Judy added, “So you can see why I didn’t want to talk about all that in front of Jim and Dan.   I was too embarrassed and too ashamed that I willingly gave myself up for drugs.  Still am.  Painful memory.  I’m sick at heart for what I’ve done, even if I understand why.  One good thing, even though I remember the feeling of the drugs, I don’t really have a craving.  Must admit though, if someone wanted to shoot me up right now, I might be tempted.”

Janet nodded.  “Yeah, I can understand that.  Have known addicts who managed to quit and say they still wanted the stuff years later…had just managed to control the urge.  What an awful story, Judy.  My heart goes out to you.  It could have been me, or Sarah, or even Holly, and we’d have done the same thing as you.”

Sarah sighed.  “Yeah.  Real easy for me to understand.  I almost got hooked on morphine when I lost my leg.”

Judy tilted her head and asked, “You lost a leg?  I couldn’t tell.”

Sarah smiled.  “Thanks.  Yeah, lost it in Iraq…along with my first husband.  Roadside bomb deal.”

The three women continued to talk into the night, watching the snowfall and talking about happier things.


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