Friday, July 15, 2016

Father Mulligan, Book #8 of the Asps Series - Fugleman on the run.

Today’s excerpt is from Father Mulligan, Book #8 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Some of the Asps, and some of their friends making plans to track the man who tried to bring death to Jim’s doorstep.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Bruce got back on the speaker system to tell the other sixteen men to come forward.  He told them to bring their empty weapons with them.  As they started forward, Boris asked, “What about Fugleman?  Want Drew and me to deal with him, Bruce?”

“No thanks, Boris.  We’ve got a pretty good idea where he’s headed…but to be on the safe side, I’m about to dispatch some of our people in the plane we still have here.  They can get to Billings long before he does, then circle around until his two planes take off.  I’m sure the Chief will be nice enough to let us know which plane Fugleman gets into.”

“Or,” suggested Maggie, “if we shake a leg, we can land to get GPS devices aboard before he gets there, so we can watch for our own selves.”

Bruce chuckled, “You married well, Jack.  Good idea, Maggie…thanks.  Bonnie can fly the tracking plane…I’ll go, but will need someone with good legs.”

Wendy joked, “I’ve been told mine are pretty nice…but not what you had in mind.”

Everyone laughed, before Bruce looked at Ike.  “You can go on home to see your family for a change.  Dusty, you up to it?”

“Yeah.  I only lost a chunk of meat…hurts a bit, but I’m more mobile than you, Bruce.”

Jack sighed, “I’d go, but better stay here to tend to our walking wounded.”

Dan offered, “Janet doesn’t need me to fly—I’ll go.”

Anson nodded, “Yeah—me, too.  Gives you two more seats on Jan’s plane.  Gonna be enough to go with you, Bruce?”

“Yeah, let’s get.  Holly, you okay to take care of things here?”

“Oh, sure.  Get outta here.”

Bruce stood up, bent to kiss Holly on the check, then headed to the hangars, as Bonnie—who had been on the veranda of the home she shared with Bruce, sniper rifle at the ready—hurried to the hangars as well.  Dan, Anson, and Dusty did the same from their various places of concealment.


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