Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Horace Goes Home, Book #2 of the Bader Trilogy - Elmer playing safety first.

Today’s excerpt is from Horace Goes Home, Book #2 of the Bader Trilogy.  Elmer makes arrangements for more of the people—including his new female partner—helping him on the mob case to move to his friend’s ranch for safety.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



Elmer sighed, “Go get Bert, Maine.”  When she headed for the door, he took out his phone to call Red. 

Red answered, “Don’t be calling me to get you out of trouble.  Actually, Ruth is having a good laugh about the situation.  She knows if a new detective has to be trained there, you’re the best there is.”

“I know Ruth will be okay with this deal.  What I’m calling about is how about feeding three more at the ranch?  I’m thinking Bert and his wife need to come out.  They could stay with Julie and John.  Hold it…got another idea.  Four more to feed.”

Red interrupted, “However many—sure, bring ‘em on.  We’ll figure out where everyone sleeps when you get here.  Worried about their safety?”

“Yeah…except one.  I think…wait—may be only three.  I’ll call you back.”

“Never mind…just come on with however many you want.”

While he was thinking about the number of new guests for the ranch, Bert, Alan, and Maine came back into the office.  Elmer looked at Bert.  “You and Edna are moving to Red Grassi’s ranch tonight.  This thing with Prudi is getting ugly—I want you safe.  If they’re watching us, they’ve seen you with Alan.  Alan, since you chose to come in here, nosing around when I told Maine to gather Bert, you take him home right now.  Pack them up, then head for the ranch.  Any problem with that, Bert?’

“Not when you put it that way.  I saw the big stinking sniper rifle that guy had.”

Elmer laughed.  When Bert and Alan left the office, he called Greg.  “Is Chuck married?”

“No, why?”

“How about talking to him and John about him staying with John, until this is over?  My thinking is they can come back and forth together, with Bert—who’s moving to the ranch tonight—and Alan can ride together.  I can ride with my new partner.  She’s moving to the ranch tonight, also.”

“She?  Nice-looking?  Ruth should really like this.”

“Naw—ugly, skinny thing Reggie pawned off on me.”

Maine put her hand on her hip and rolled her eyes, but kept quiet, as Elmer continued to talk to Greg.  Before he got off the phone, John and Chuck had agreed to the idea, then Greg brought Elmer up-to-date on the total lack of success he and his team had encountered during the day, on coming up with a way to find Sgroi and Mosello.  Finally, Elmer looked at Reggie.  “Done.  Got any more easy cases?”

“Got no more cases—get me the paperwork on the one you just solved.”

Elmer stood up and nodded, “Come along, partner.”

When they got back to Elmer’s desk, Maine asked, “What if I don’t want to live on this ranch?”

“Then you get a new partner right now.”

“I’m in.  They got horses?”


“Then I’m really in.  I need to get a few things.”

“Figured you would.  Let me get the paperwork Reggie wants, then we’ll go pack you up.  But I’m not helping you pack any damn vibrators.”

“Oh, that’s funny.”

“I thought it was.  Now hush, so I can do this paperwork.  Coffee, please.”


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