Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Sedona Chip, Book #9 of the Janitors Series - Dirty bomb threat.

Today’s excerpt is from Sedona Chip, Book #9 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  After outlining a general plan to capture/kill a terrorist planning to enter the U.S. with a dirty bomb, Holly and Janet leave the others to round up food.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



By ten the next morning—with the Janitors having only slept a few hours—they were all up and having coffee at a hastily arranged conference room, supplied by the Commanding General, at the request of General Bradley.  Jim had been the first one up, calling the General and telling him where they were and what they needed.  He also alerted him to the probability of catching Safiy Nasser, as he crossed the border into the United States.

After arranging for the needs of the Janitors, General Bradley reported their success to the President.  He asked, “Ellis, how do they do it?  In less than two days, they’ve already tracked him down, when the FBI, CIA, and everyone else is groping around in the dark.”

“I have no idea how they do it, sir, and I doubt you really want to know.  Just be damn glad they do.”


As they were being discussed in the White House, Jim sighed.  “Okay, Hec, first let me tell you what we accomplished, then it’s your turn.”

It took Jim only about ten minutes to briefly cover the events in Canada, and he concluded by saying, “In summation, this damned guy up there was supposed to be the banker, in Krugerrands, for a whole list of terrorists in our country.  We have the list.  When we finish here, I’ll give John a call and fill him in.  Your turn.”

Hector filled Jim in on what he and Harry had done, showed him on the map where the crossing would take place, and told him it would be around midnight.  When he finished, Jim patted him on the shoulder.  “Great work, guys.  Now, I guess we have to figure out how to nab him tonight.  We better get Wendy in here, since it looks like we’ll have to do a night drop to get our buggies and us in place.  We can also have her monitor things with the infrared on the plane.  I’ll call her.  Holly, Jan, round us up some food.”

Holly smiled, “From where?”

“If it was easy, I’d have had Hector do it.”

“Up yours, Major.”

Holly, Dan, Janet, and Jim busted out laughing at that.  Then Jim explained to the others that a former member of the Janitors, named Billy Longbow, had used that expression more than once when aggravated at Jim.

Now sobered somewhat, Holly jerked her head.  “Come on, Jan, let’s go get food for the troops.”

Holly, knowing General Bradley had arranged the conference room and how the General worked, drove straight to the commanding officer’s office, went in, and announced who she was and who she was with.

General Bradley had told the Marine Commanding General that these people were to be treated as he would treat the President.  He promptly invited Holly and Janet into his office and decided that—even without the orders he’d received—these two women could have anything they wanted from him.  One being the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen (with body to match), and the redhead being no slouch, either.

After a polite exchange of greetings, Holly simply got to the point.  “We need food.  And we don’t have time to be running all over your nice base to find same.”

“Will half an hour, at the conference room you’re using, be suitable?”

“Yes, sir.”


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