Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Back To China (Other Books) - The rescue mission begins.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To China, a standalone book featuring Jim Scott and friends.  And so the mission to rescue the two scientists kidnapped by China begins.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



Billy nodded, sat, and muttered, “Oh, boy.”

Jim just grinned at Billy as he called Ben Schiller, a retired second-in-command of Israeli Mossad.  “Hi, Ben.  Need some help.”

“Of course…why else would my old friend be calling?  Good to hear from you, Jim.  What do you need?”

Jim explained the situation, as the Prime Minister and President glanced at each other while he did so.  After the explanation, Jim added, “So what I need first is to get landing permission for the old 130…being flown by Wendy—and one of my executive jets being flown by Holly.”

Ben cut in, “Since I get to see Holly again, anything you want—within some sort of reason.  Especially under the circumstances.  China having this type of technology would not be a good thing for anyone.”

“I need a big, fat, yellow star, in a red field, painted on the plane—both sides.  Also need some clothing for all aboard—all black, or black and dark green camos.”

“How many people?”

“I’m not sure of the count right now.  Holly can touch base with Wendy and get count and sizes.  She’ll call you on her flight to you.”

Holly butted in, “Hi, Ben.”

“Hi, back, Holly.  I take it we’re on speakerphone.”

Jim answered, “Yeah.  In the Situation Room of the White House with the President, my President, and the British Prime Minister.  The President, current, and Prime Minister are making faces about bringing you folks in on this deal…on giving you the full details.  My President is smiling.  Now, back to business.  Hector, Billy, another fella you don’t know, and me are gonna take a ride in a B-2 to the facility where our guys are being held.  After we get ‘em, Wendy and Holly are gonna meet us with the 130, to get us outta Dodge.  Before I forget it, the camos will have a yellow star in red field, like what you paint on the plane.  Might wanna get someone started on making those up.  Need Chinese-looking hats, too…with the same logo.  Oh, and your crack makeup team, to turn our people into Chinese.”

“I’ll get right on it.  You know there are a few people here who’ll have to be told.”

“Tell who you want.  If I read our new President correctly, as soon as we’re back with the two men, this will become public knowledge…with a real hard edge.”

The President smiled and nodded.  The Prime Minister nodded as well…without the smile.

Also smiling was Ben, in Israel.  “For now I’ll only tell those who have to know, for me to be able to help you out.  Holly, looking forward to hearing from you with count and sizes—and looking forward to seeing you again.”

As Holly muttered a similar comment back to Ben, Jim stood up.  He left the room with Holly, Ken, Billy, Hector, Tony, and Hector.  As they were leaving, the President offered—with offer accepted—the Prime Minister and ex-President to stay in the Situation Room—or at least in the White House—until they had word Jim was headed home with the two captives.

After Jim and those in his group reached his plane, he, Billy, and Hector got out the equipment they would be taking with them.  Jim kissed Holly goodbye and shook Tony’s hand. 

They were soon airborne for Whiteman, while Holly and Tony off headed to Israel.  Shortly after takeoff, Holly glanced at Tony, who was sitting right seat.  “You ever flown a plane?”


“You’re about to learn.  This is too long a flight to just trust the GPS and auto-pilot.”

“I was rather afraid you might say something like that.  Actually I was planning on taking a nap in the rear, until we reach Israel.”

“Nice plan.  Mine’s better.”


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