Friday, July 8, 2016

Fido, Book #3 of the Asps Series - Jim and Holly need a ride.

Today’s excerpt is from Fido, Book #3 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Before Drew and Boris can question their prisoner in depth, Jim calls needing to arrange a ride in their plane.”  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



When the plane was airborne, with Suzan and Janet in the cockpit and Boris and Drew in the cabin with their prisoner, Drew, using the Chinese dialect Wu, asked, “I take it there’s more than a little history between you and our prisoner…not to mention your friend back there at the ranch?”

Using the same language—certain, as was Drew, that Taraki could not understand it—Boris answered, “Oh, yes…more so with my friend.  He was in charge of the region where this idiot operated.  He believed our prisoner was working for us…when, in fact, he was working for or with the Taliban…or al-Qaida.  A good number of our men died and, when my friend at the ranch figured it out, this fine hooded fellow was nowhere to be found.  I’m sure your people used him well…not that I blame you or your former employers…fortunes of war, so to speak.”

Just as Drew started to say something else, his phone vibrated.  He saw it was Jim and said, still using Wu, “Hello, son-in-law.  What may I do for you?”

In English, Jim asked, “I assume there’s a reason you’re using Wu?”

“There is.  We have a guest in hood on the plane with us.”

“And you don’t think he can speak Wu?”

“Correct.  What, I again ask, may I do for you?”

“Pick up Holly and me, along with two men in need of passports, in Managua.”

“And how are you getting there, pray tell?”

“By bus.  And not a very nice ride it is.”

“Do we have time to return to the ranch where we met you recently?”

“Oh, yeah, I’m sure you do.  If we’re ready to be picked up before noon tomorrow, it will be an upset.  Not on a scale of the Cubs ever winning the World Series again, but an upset still.  I’ll call you when I think we’re a few hours from needing a taxi ride to Montana.”


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