Thursday, July 14, 2016

Billy's Rescue, Book #7 of the Asps Series - Billy's parting shot.

Today’s excerpt is from Billy’s Rescue, Book #7 of the nine-book Asps Series.  After Billy makes good his escape, he takes out the terrorist camp.  Enjoy and have a great day.



While those three hurried to catch up, and the rest of the team moved forward, Billy found what he was looking for.  In addition to a clear shot at one of his pin-less hand grenades, he had also been looking for a convenient place to duck down.  The spot he found had a mini-outcropping, above the one he was on.  He settled in, took careful aim, then squeezed off his shot.  As soon as the gun fired, Billy rolled down to the smaller outcropping.  Even as he went, the shot had hit just above the grenade, but caused it to move enough for the lever to spring free.  When the grenade went off, it set off a chain reaction of explosives in the cave—including the other grenades—to cause a horrendous explosion within seconds of Billy’s shot.  All the terrorists Billy had seen died instantly.  The cave curved around in the general direction Billy had gone.  Around the first bend of the curve were nearly eighty more terrorists Billy hadn’t seen.  They too died almost instantly.  The cave and tunnel leading from it went for a few miles.  For nearly a mile of the distance, the tunnel was blackened, with the sound of the explosion traveling on down the tunnel for miles.


When Billy squeezed off his shot, the rest of the Asps were moving forward.  The explosion had such force that—even though they were over four miles away, they at first thought they were under attack.  Even at their distance from the camp—they could see the fireball, as it went up into the air in the pre-dawn.  Bruce muttered, “What in the hell?  I sure hope this means Billy is fighting back somehow…I also hope he’s not around too close.”

“Amen,” Dusty muttered.


Wendy had just flown over the terrorists behind the Asps, so was approaching the camp when the explosion and fireball lit up the sky.  She shook her head.  “Mother of God.  What in the world was that?  Phil, did it fry our infrared?”

Phil laughed before he answered, “Naw.  But it sure did mess with some of my other instruments—no damage, I hope.”

Wendy joked, “You were on a roll until the ‘I hope.’  That I didn’t need.”


Billy waited a few minutes, then went back to the spot he had fired from as he looked around the camp compound.  It was deathly still.  Satisfied, he hurried in the direction of the Asps, but—obviously unknown to him—well east of their position. 


Well behind the Asps, the group of terrorists reduced in size by Phil also saw the fireball and heard the explosion.  They were far enough away, however, they had no idea just what had caused it, or where it came from.  One of the men told those around him it was probably some type of bombing raid by the Americans.  The entire group picked up their pace for no reason any of them could put into words.


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