Thursday, July 7, 2016

The Zimo Hunt, Book #2 of The Asps Series - Rooster hunt before Zimo hunt.

Today’s excerpt is from The Zimo Hunt, Book #2 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Asps bump into their British friends while both are hunting the same “rooster.”  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Soon after Ike spoke, Jack asked, “Mm, guys, see that sentry, or whatever?

Harry saw and raised his sniper rifle.  The terrorist in question was moving up behind Tony and Sergeant Squires.  Harry squeezed off his shot and the terrorist fell dead, just feet from the two English subjects.  As the body fell into vegetation behind them, those two turned, saw the dead man, then started looking around for who had fired the killing shot.  When he was sure Tony was looking in their direction—and no one else was—Bruce waved his hand.  When spotted, he nudged Harry.  “You can move faster than I can.  Go on down.  We’ll hold fast, until you give us the all clear.  I agree with Ike—no sense getting killed by SAS…or MI6…or both.”

Once Tony spotted Bruce waving, there was no chance of that.  He quickly spoke into his communication set—which was similar to those worn by the Asps—and told his men to hold fire…on the man heading toward him and Sergeant Squires.  When Harry arrived, Tony tilted his head to the rear.  “Thanks for whoever eliminated that fellow behind us.”

“You’re welcome.  Call off your people, while my team comes down.”

Tony smiled and told his team again to hold fire, then Harry told Bruce, Ike, and Jack to come on down.  When they got there, Bruce looked at Tony.  “Looks like we’re after the same prey.  We’d sorta like to ask him a few questions…then you can have him.”

Tony nodded, “Seems fair.  First, we have to get the scoundrel…I take it you had a plan of some sort, Yank.”

Harry, Bruce, Tony, and Sergeant Squires then discussed their plan, after all agreed which tent was likely to contain Nuri Bekhit.  As all members of the combined team—which included another nine SAS members, besides Sergeant Squires, started to close in—those four eased forward, to the very edge of the camp.  Once there, they ordered their men to start systematically taking out any men in sight.  There were ten men clearly in sight, and silenced shots hit all ten in a span of less than a minute.  But, as the entire team started to close in on the camp, another man came out of a tent, saw his dead comrades, and gave the alert—just before he too died.

Harry, Tony, and Sergeant Squires hurried forward to the tent they felt sure would contain Bekhit, while Bruce slowly walked to the middle of the camp with the other members of the combined team, looking for possible targets.

As Harry, Tony, and Sergeant Squires neared the targeted tent, three men ran out, with guns raised.  They all died before they could fire.  Harry took out the man on his side, Tony took out the man in the middle, and Sergeant Squires downed the last of the three.  They walked forward, and Tony swore as he looked down at the body of Nuri Bekhit.

Harry just shrugged, “No chance of taking him alive, after that jackass gave the alarm.  So okay, we got a dead rooster, let’s see what we can find in the way of intelligence in the tent, Tony,” as he led the way into the tent.

Both Tony and the Sergeant spoke Arabic, and laughed because ‘Nuri’ meant ‘rooster’ in Arabic. 


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