Thursday, July 21, 2016

How 'about Both, Book #3 of the Bader Trilogy - Hector and Horace protecting Elmer's home.

Today’s excerpt is from How ‘bout Both, Book #3 of the Bader Trilogy.  One of the two men on Elmer’s 24 hour a day protection detail is sent back inside by Horace.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



That corner of the house was in total darkness, but there was still enough light for Stan to see that Horace, dressed in black, was wearing a shoulder holster—one that was not empty.  He asked, “You got a license for that thing,” as he pointed to the weapon.

“Yup.  Look, I don’t want to be a smartass, but we’re much better equipped for this type thing than you are.  Plus, Elmer is a good friend of both of us.  When you go back inside, tell Elmer that Hector and Horace will keep you all safe during the nighttime hours.”

“When did you guys get here?”

“We followed you from the station house.  We relieved the two guys who have been here most of the day making sure no one did any nasty things, like plant bombs, during the day—and to keep an eye on Ruth and Lizzie…and Doggie.  I’m sort of partial to all three…so is Hector.  Me more so than Hector with Doggie—she and I became good friends last year.”

“Nobody followed us here—I was driving.  I would have spotted you.”

“Wrong.  Of course it was an easy following job because we knew where you were headed, or assumed you were bringing Elmer home.  Didn’t expect Maine to be with you, but that’s fine.  We like her a lot, too.”

“Well, I don’t know you from Adam, but I’ve heard of Garcia.  Have actually seen him around the Chief’s office from time to time…and followed him—the Chief—and Red Grassi around the golf course more-n-once.  What does Garcia do on Tuesdays?”

“Good one.  No damned terrorist would know the answer.  He makes tacos in his taco shop.  Today, he was fighting Red over who would do the cooking.”

“Okay, I guess you’re who you say you are—but I don’t like it.  The Chief told Ken and me to guard Elmer.  We can’t do too good a job of that inside.”

Horace sighed and took out his cell phone.  He used his speed dial for Elmer’s number.  Elmer answered, “Hi, Horace.  What’s up?”

“I’m outside with your security detail…or one of the guys on the detail.  I’ve been trying to explain to him, without hurting his feelings too much, that Hector and I can handle things out here better than he can.  Would you like to ask him to come on inside, please?  Through the back door, please.”

“Hector’s with you?”

“Yeah.  Right now he’s trying to cover the front and back, since I’m here trying to get this fine fella to come in to share some of your good booze.  This idiot Simmons is gonna try for you here, he’s in some deep do-do.”

“Give him your phone.  His name’s Stan, by the way.”

Horace handed Stan the phone.  “Stan, Elmer wants to talk to you.”

As he took the phone from Horace, Stan was fuming, but was also starting to get the idea this guy Horace might have some expertise he didn’t have.  “Hello, Elmer.”

“Come on inside…via the back door.  I’ll explain when you get here.  Those guys are both ex-Military Special Ops type guys.”

“On my way,” Stan replied as he handed the phone to Horace, turned, then took a step before he thought to say something to Horace.  When he turned around, Horace was nowhere to be seen.

On his way to the back door, Stan wondered just how Horace had managed the disappearing act so smoothly.  When he got there, Elmer let him in.  “Sorry about this, Stan.  You’re a good man, or the Chief wouldn’t have put you on the keep-Bader-alive detail.  From what I’ve seen of you, you and Ken are right types.  But those two guys out there—plus about fifty to a hundred more of Hector’s men—are, as I mentioned, former Special Ops types.  No way in hell Simmons—with or without any of his friends—is gonna do anything bad around here.  Just why Hector took it upon himself to come out here to protect me is beyond me.  Come on—let me buy you and Ken a drink.  He passed because he planned on relieving you in a few hours.”

Stan just shook his head as he followed Elmer into the living room.  But he was soon enjoying a drink with Ken, Ruth, Maine, and Elmer.  Elmer then explained what he knew about Hector Garcia, but let it go with a rundown on the help he and his detective/protection agency had been to the LAPD over the years. 

When Elmer finished, Ruth laughed, “Well, guys, one of you either has to talk Maine into sharing her bed, or you’re sleeping together.”

Maine joked, “I’ll auction off the other side of my bed to the highest bidder.”

Ruth laughed.  “Elmer, you make a bid, your ass is grass, and I’m a lawn mower.”

Stan grumbled, “We’ll make do…neither of us has the money to make the bid it would take.  It doesn’t work out, one of us can use the couch.”


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