Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Back To China, (Other Books) - Jim to lend a hand.

Sorry, no photo today, there seems to be a glitch in the system.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To China, a stand alone book featuring Jim Scott and other old friends.  Right after the two scientists are kidnapped by the Chinese, Jim is on his way to meet Tony Henry (now Sir Anthony).  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



As soon as Holly had the plane on a heading to D.C., Jim called Sir Anthony.  “Okay, pal, Holly is flying Hector and me to Andrews.  I’ll give you my plane info shortly.  But right now, I’d sorta like to know what the hell’s going on.”

“Kevin Hogan and Marlin Walendy have been kidnapped.  They were working on a special project at Area 51.  Those two are world-class…”

“Physicists…I’m familiar with some of their concepts.  Let me guess—they were kidnapped in Las Vegas.  If so, where were your people?”

“They were waiting at the casino hotel, where the two were going to enjoy some R&R.  DOD had a six-man team, in three SUVs, pick them up at Nellis Air Force Base, for transport to the hotel.  They made it less than a mile.  As of right now, they—or at least Hogan, and presumably Walendy—are heading west from Las Vegas.  Their present heading has them winding up in China—if, of course, I’m correct in assuming the Chinese are behind this.”

“You’re probably right.  So you want Hector and me to snatch them back?”


“I suppose you have no idea where in China they might be taken?”

“Just a hunch…one of the Jim Scott variety….one of your gut feelings.  There is a recently constructed Chinese facility in the middle of nowhere…Qinghai Provence, to be precise.  It was built into the side of a small mountain—more like a hill—and has a nice new road running quite a distance, to and past the facility.  They have only recently moved the heavy construction equipment out of the area.  Umm…one more thing—the road leads nowhere once past the facility.  It may or may not be completed.”

“How long did the construction take?”

“Roughly six months.”

“How long have Hogan and Walendy been at Area 51?”

“The better part of a year.”

“I’d say you may be right, but I’ll draw up two plans:  one for populated area, and one for the ‘middle of nowhere.’  By the way, since you seem to have sure knowledge of where at least Hogan is, I assume you have a GPS device imbedded in him somehow.” 

“Correct.  Now, give me your plane info.  You’ll be met at Andrews and flown to the White House.  We’ll meet you there.”

“Who is ‘we’?”

“The Prime Minister and me.”

Jim nodded to himself and gave Sir Anthony the information.  Then he got down to serious planning.  While he worked on the plan, Hector watched.  At one point, Hector asked, “You know we’ll need at least four, don’t you?”

“What I was thinking.  You’re figuring out who the other two will be.  I’m not real sure on timing, but I’d say we’ll have very little, so probably none of the folks who readily come to mind will do.”


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Monday, February 27, 2017

Pool Of Blood, Book #3 of the Becker Trilogy - Assassin misses again.

Today’s excerpt is from Pool Of Blood, Book #3 of the Becker Trilogy, a stand alone book featuring Bob Becker along with friends, old and new, including Jim Scott.  The contract killer misses another shot at Michelle.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



When Wednesday rolled around, Newton and Morsi were up early and on the road to the two-lane highway leading from Bob’s to the Interstate.  They were in two vehicles: Morsi in the truck, and Newton in his rental car.  Newton knew exactly where he was headed, so he led, while Morsi followed.  Short of a rise in the highway, there was a rutted dirt road Newton had discovered earlier when scouting out the area.  They pulled down the road to a wide spot.  Newton parked the rental there, and climbed in with Morsi.  Next, they went back to the two-lane and drove down past Bob’s property and the nearest neighbor, then found a place to turn around.  As they drove back by, Newton looked the area over carefully still again; then, at the top of the rise, he had Morsi stop. 

After checking his watch to make sure he had the timing right to that point, he climbed in the rear of the panel truck.

As he did, Bob and Michelle were just about ready to leave for St. Charles.  Bob backed out of the garage, then turned to head to the access road.  When he reached it he turned left, then right onto the two-lane.  He passed a slight straight-away, and then a bend in the road, before he headed up a rather steep incline.  As soon as he came around the bend and started up the incline, he saw the white panel truck at the top.  Bob immediately slammed on the brakes, spun the steering wheel, and floored the accelerator.  As he did all this, he shouted, “Michelle, down—now!”

His actions came none too soon.  Even as Michelle ducked down, Newton fired.  The shot went through the rear window to where her head had been, then exited through the front windshield.  Before Newton could fire again, Bob was back around the bend in the road, headed back to his home.  As he drove, he told Michelle to get the Wentzville police on the phone.


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Friday, February 24, 2017

Bigfoot Bait, Book #2 of the Becker Trilogy - Lindsey in no mood to be re-captured.

Today’s excerpt is from Bigfoot Bait, Book #3 of the Becker Trilogy, a stand alone book featuring Bob Becker along with friends, old and new, including Jim Scott.  Lindsey “slays her vampire” after escaping.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



Lindsey leaving the trap site with the chain and stake was what Clay had seen when playing the video.  When he arrived, he used the flashlight he had to check out the spot where she had been.  The only thing there was the hood.  Searching around, he could see the tracks she was leaving, due to the dampness of the grass and weeds.

Walking steadily, certain he would find her in no time, Clay set out after her.

Not knowing when Biden or his companion would be coming, Lindsey made the best time she could, under the circumstances.  She had no idea where she was going, but just wanted to put as much distance between her and the kidnappers as she could.  She was thinking about the possibility that one or both of them would catch up with her at some point.  If they both came, she knew she probably had little chance, but if it was only one, it was possible she might be able to defend herself…especially since she had her trusty stake to pierce the heart of the “vampire” (as she thought of her captor(s)) to save herself.

Lindsey had no way of knowing she was going to pass well to the west of where the two evil men had parked their vehicles.  If she had known, she really wouldn’t have cared all that much.  Her ultimate goal was to reach a road…any road…then hope and pray someone would come along, so she could get help for Katy. 

As Clay followed along, he wondered why he hadn’t caught up to her yet.  He still hadn’t figured out she might have been gone for a long time before he discovered she was gone.  Since he could still clearly see her path using his flashlight, he continued on.

His flashlight notified Lindsey she was being followed.  When she saw the bobbing light, she continued on her course, haphazard though it was.  When she looked back again, she realized that while not rapidly, whoever was following her was gaining.  She stopped to take stock.  The moon was close to half full, but was tucking behind clouds from time to time.  Lindsey knew her feet were getting very wet, so correctly assumed she was leaving some sort of trail.  She stopped to look her surroundings over carefully, until she came up with a plan.  Hurrying as fast as she could, she continued on in a more-or-less open section of forest.  When the trees started to thicken again, she dodged to the left, then followed the tree line back the way she had just come.  She found a very large tree that was less than ten feet from the trail she had left.

There she waited until she could see Clay clearly.  She was disappointed it wasn’t Biden, but was happy to see the man following her was alone.  She was a bit concerned the man she saw might not be one of the two kidnappers. 

Just as she had that thought, Clay made the most serious mistake of his life.  He stopped.  “Lindsey—if you can hear me, you know I can move faster than you.  You may as well give up.”

Lindsey recognized his voice.

Clay waited a few moments before he continued.  When he was abreast the tree Lindsey stood next to, she moved forward with the stake held firmly in both hands, any concern about who he was behind her.  “You lookin’ for me?”

Clay turned, smiling that his ploy had worked.  Too late, he noticed the stake in Lindsey’s hands.  She swung it with all her might, hitting him in the forehead.  Stunned, he fell to the ground on his back.  Lindsey was on him in a flash.  Still gripping the stake in both hands, she raised it up and plunged it downward as hard as she could.  The stake grazed off the left side of his breast bone, through two ribs, and into his heart.

Even as Lindsey wiggled the stake to free it, she realized her tormentor wasn’t moving.  She gave up on trying to dislodge it, as she continued to sit on top of her now-dead kidnapper.  Panting a bit at her exertion, she yelled, “Take that, you son-of-a-bitch!”          


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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Too Many Women, Book #1 of the Becker Trilogy - One down, but one gets away.

Today’s excerpt is from Too Many Women, a stand alone book featuring several new characters, as well as Jim Scott and friends.  Horace kills one bad guy, but even though they hit the departing car of another he gets away.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



By then Bill was at the access road, with Leo not far behind.  Horace looked over the scene carefully.  “Okay, the guy I shot at is down from the tree, just lying on the ground, not moving.  I’ve see a bit of foliage movement, but not who’s causing it.  My guess is he’s seen the condition of the guy I shot and is getting outta Dodge.  He’s moving from my right to my left.”

Bill muttered, “There’s a small pond down that way—probably where they parked their car.  Hold it…I hear the car starting up.”

Getting no response nor expecting one, Bill aimed his rifle in the general direction of the noise from the car he’d heard.  He fired off one shot just as Leo stopped next to him.  Both men heard the sound of shattering glass.  Leo looked in the direction Bill was aiming—and also heard the car moving in addition to the glass shattering sound.  He began shooting in the same general direction as Bill.  Both men hit the car in various places and, in addition to thuds of rounds hitting the car body, they also heard more glass shattering. 

Burras was beside himself with fear as shots were tearing the car to pieces.  He had a few small cuts from flying glass, in spite of the safety standards of such glass.  He knew his only hope was to keep heading back to the highway above his present location.  Assuming Bob was at least one of the guys shooting at him, he decided the best place for him to be was elsewhere.  Hookings and Carnahan had been very clear about what they had seen at Bob’s office.  Boxer was probably dead…and he wanted no part of Mr. Bob Becker.

When he reached where the incline headed up to the highway, he kept right on going, traffic be damned.  At that point, Bill reached over and pulled Leo’s weapon back, away from the fleeing car.  “Better stop shooting.  Guy’s getting near the highway—we might hit an innocent if we keep firing.”

Leo nodded, then got back in his buggy to drive in the direction of the quite dead J.C. Boxer.  Bill thought a second, took out his phone, and called a private number at the Wentzville Police station that belonged to the Chief of Police.  He was relieved when the Chief answered the call.  “Chief, this is Bill Hedden—got a mess on our hands out at Bob’s place.  Guess you heard about the shoot-out at Bob’s office.  Well, we’re watching the lady the guys there were after.  Some joker just took a shot at her.  Thankfully he missed…and one of the two fellas we got helping us out plugged him.  Says he may be dead.  Meanwhile another jerk got into a car near the pond, out front of our place.  Me and another of our security team plugged the car several times, but the guy driving it got away.  Could you get some of your people headed this way, with the word out to be on a lookout for a shot-up car?”

“Right away, Bill.  I’ll come out myself…and I’ll get an ambulance on the way, too.  See you in a few minutes.”


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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Ancient Rookie, (Other Books) - Chet finds out he's now part bionic.

Today’s excerpt is from Ancient Rookie, a stand alone book featuring several new characters, as well as Jim Scott and friends.  Chet comes to, then finds out about his bionic parts.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



Twenty minutes after the group reached Chet’s bed, he slowly started moving a bit.  He opened his right eye, as his left eye and most of his head were well bandaged.  His mouth was very dry.  He found he couldn’t talk.  A nurse gave him a sip of water before he slowly, softly said, “This can’t be a good thing.  What happened?”

Dave moved to his left side and took his hand, “You can’t remember anything?”

“Last thing I remember was driving along 44, just past the Grand overpass.  Then I come to…see you all standin’ there like you expect me to be dead.”

Dave glanced at Dr. Pulaski, who gave a gentle nod of the head, then started telling his father what he knew of the accident, including of the death of Helen.  At that point in the conversation, Chet closed his good eye and opened it with moisture in it.  “Tough on us, but probably a blessing for Helen.  Poor thing was in so much pain.  Her pain is over now.”

Dave nodded as he told his father the consensus was his mother had died instantly—probably never even knew something was amiss before she died. When he finished, Dr. Pulaski asked everyone but Dave to leave the room for a few minutes.  He briefly told Chet about the operation—what he’d attempted to do—without going into great detail.  Finished with that, he started to add, “Mr. Coleman…”

Chet interrupted, “Chet is fine, doc.  Unless you want to try on ‘Master Chief.’  Naw, Chet’s fine…go on.”

“Good.  In that case, I’m J.P.  Or Jeep, to my close friends—which I have an idea we’ll become before your rehab is completed.  You’re stuck seeing a great deal of me for the next several months…house calls for the most part.”

“You’ll get kicked out of the doctor’s union for that.”

“Maybe, but I’ll risk it.”

Chet asked what Dave had thought to ask but decided against it, “What’s the J.P. stand for?”

Dr. Pulaski smiled, “Jasper Percy—I only tell real good friends that.”

Chet tried to nod, felt a shooting pain, causing him to decide nodding was something he’d not try again soon.  He said, “Can understand the J.P., Jeep.”

“Yeah, well.  Okay, now for a little experiment.  Please move the little finger on your right hand for me.”

Chet tried to move the digit, without success.  Dr. Pulaski urged him to try again.  On the second try, the tip of the finger quivered.  Hiding his excitement, Dr. Pulaski asked him to try the next finger, then the next.  When all four fingers had moved to some degree, the thumb was tried.  When it moved also, Dr. Pulaski let out a long, audible sigh.  “We may have succeeded.  But, that’s all for now.  After you have a few minutes with your family, you go ahead and get some rest.  After I catch a catnap, I’ll come back.  We can go into detail about what’s in front of you then.  Dave, after everyone gets some time with Chet, try to hold it down to one or two folks in here at once, so he can get some rest.”

“Right—thanks, Jeep.”

On his way out of the room, Dr. Pulaski told the others to go on back in.  Then they chatted for a while, until Chet yawned.  They all got the hint.  As they left, Dave kissed his father on the cheek.  “See you in a bit, Dad.”

“Don’t hurry.”


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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

How 'bout Both, Book #3 of the Bader Trilogy - Two more terrorists bite the dust.

Today’s excerpt is from How ‘bout Both, Book #3 of the Bader Trilogy.  Two terrorists killed, but Elmer puts out an altered version of the shooting.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



The turkeys weren’t the only things deceased.  As Elmer was about to find out, a LAPD patrol unit spotted Lashkar Malik’s car.  They knew there was a want on it—one carrying an advisory the occupants might be terrorists.  The two officers used good sense.  They called in the fact they were behind the wanted car.  Raymond Clayton was just getting ready to go off duty when the call came in.  He organized the requested back up brilliantly.  Two blocks later, the intersection was blocked off with three more patrol cars, as two more came up behind the unit that had called in the information the wanted car had been found.  The original unit was told to hit their lights and siren.  When they did, the other five cars were told to hit their lights, also.  The two would-be terrorists in the car didn’t know exactly what to do, but decided they weren’t going to go down without a fight, so the driver stopped the car.  He got out as his companion got out the other side.

Knowing what had happened to their comrades in a similar situation, the officers in the original unit to spot the terrorists, came out of their suddenly stopped patrol car, with weapons at the ready.  It was a good thing they did.  The two terrorists were armed, ready to start a fire-fight, right on the streets of Los Angeles.  They never got the chance.  The other two patrol cars had also stopped.  All six uniformed officers cut loose at once.  The two terrorists died without ever firing a shot.  Better yet, no bystanders were injured in the hail of bullets…most of which hit their targets. 

Raymond arrived just as the last shot had been fired so took control of the situation.  After giving his preliminary orders, he called Elmer, knowing Elmer’s cell phone number, as it was one he kept in his own cell phone.  When Elmer saw who was calling, he answered, “Hi, Ray.  What’ve you got?”

“Two dead terrorists.  The car you guys put out the APB on was spotted.  We surrounded it.  The bad guys got out, armed, and ready to fight.  Our guys never gave them the chance to get off even a shot…thankfully.”

“Hot damn.  Get me identification, then call back.  I’ve got to call Homer Spradling, over at FBI.”

“Got it.  You want me to call in the brass?”

“Yeah, see ya.  Thanks…good work.  Wait…where?”

Raymond told him, then Elmer ended the call.  He didn’t even take time to tell the others what was going on as he called Homer.  “Got two guys in Malik’s car…uniforms killed them.  Don’t know who they are.  I’m way in the hell out at Red Grassi’s ranch.  You mind checking out who they are?”

“Hell, no…where.”

Elmer told him, then said he’d get back to him as time allowed.  Next, he called Helen Bledsoe.  She answered, “If you’re calling about the shooting, I’m on my way with a sound truck.”

Elmer laughed. “Okay…may want you to fudge the report a bit.  Hope you get there first.  The dead guys are connected with Simmons—don’t want that put out yet.  Want it to look like a routine traffic stop gone haywire.  Don’t want Simmons to know we were looking for the car.  I’ll explain later.  Gotta go for now.”

“Thanks for the trust.  It was a routine traffic stop…got it.  See ya.”

That call ended, Elmer called Raymond, who answered, “Just got off the horn with the Chief.  He’s sending the Chief of Detectives.  Said something about keeping it under our hat, about our officers were looking for the car.”

“Sharp cookie, our Chief…exactly what I’m calling about.  Wonder how he knew we were looking for the car in connection with the Simmons case?  Oh, well—on this deal, I’ve filled Helen Bledsoe in.  Told her that we’d appreciate her reporting the shooting was a result of a routine traffic stop gone wrong.  Talk to her, feed her what you have—she knows what to report.  All other news outlets get a vanilla version of the same story…that it appears to be a routine traffic stop.  We know the guys in the car—now dead—are connected with Simmons.  We’re laying a trap for Simmons at the funerals Friday, so don’t want him scared off, wondering how we knew the guys in the car were connected to him.”

“Got it.  Want me to have our esteemed Chief of Detectives call you when he gets here?”

“If I don’t get through to Gordo in the meantime, yeah.  See you.”

“Right…so long.” 

Next, Elmer called Gordon Bergmann.  He gave him the same story to be passed on to the media, and why.  Gordon was already thinking along the same lines.  When he told Elmer so, Elmer asked, “How come you and the Chief both know the details of what we wanted the car for?  I don’t mind—just curious how we managed to get the right information to the right people for a change—since dumb Elmer Bader totally forgot to inform you.”

Gordon laughed.  “You trained Alan well—he called me.  I called the Chief.  Reggie also called me with it…after Alan had.  Glad someone at my former command has a brain, since it seems the crackerjack detective of the department may be getting too old to think of everything.”

“Har, har, har.  Nice.  Thank you, sir.”


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Monday, February 20, 2017

Horace Goes Home, Book #2 of the Bader Trilogy - Elmer makes a deal.

Today’s excerpt is from Horace Goes Home, Book #2 of the Bader Trilogy.  Elmer makes a deal with his reporter friend Helen.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



Aboard the helicopter, Helen sat by Hector.  “What’s your involvement in this deal, Mr. Garcia?”

“Hector is fine, Helen—if I may?”

“Of course.  Umm, back to my question—if you don’t mind.”

“I’m working for Red Grassi on something.  He requested use of my chopper.  Hence, here I am, and here you are.  Before you ask, “I and my people had nothing to do with all the dead bodies you’re about to see.”

“How many dead bodies?  Who are they?”

“Save your questions for Elmer, please.  If he’s gonna lie to you, I don’t want the truth coming from me.  He’s a good guy…and a good friend of my present employer.”

“I’m well aware of that fact.  Is Elmer going to lie to me?”

“I hope not.  You’re way too pretty.”

“Oh, boy—I can see I’m in for something wild.  A guy who is probably nearly as rich as Red Grassi starts flirting with me to avoid the subject, I can just guess what dear old Elmer is gonna lay on me.  But he’s never let me down yet.  He says something, he makes good.  How about you?”

“Yeah…get some rest.  I am.  I’m bushed.”

Helen looked at Hector.  She thought he might be faking it, until he started to snore.  She nearly burst into laughter, but was afraid of waking him, so she settled back to do as told, to get some rest, even though she knew there would be no sleep for her.


When the helicopter landed, Elmer and those with him came out of their defensive positions, as dictated by Hector’s man.  They walked to greet those getting off.  After kissing Helen on the cheek, he stopped her cameraman from starting to shoot what he saw, and pulled Helen away from the others.  “Okay, here’s what I got.  You can film some of the bodies, but only get a good shot of the face of Tony Mosello.  He’s in the building at the end of the drive, on the far side.  There’s ten bodies here—I want you to report eleven.  Included in those dead you will say are Tony Mosello—who is, in fact, quite dead—along with his running mate—Benny Sgroi—who, in fact, is not dead.  I will trust you, to tell you—OFF THE RECORD, and not to be mentioned to anyone—that it is vital we find and take Sgroi alive.”

Helen looked at Elmer.  “Hey, pal—those two are reputed to work for Bettino Prudi.  I’m not really too thrilled with the idea of getting crossways of him.  Oh, my God—that’s who you’re after, isn’t it?”

“I always did say you’re one smart dame, Helen.  Yeah—but if we lose him because you open your mouth, I’ll personally kill you…or worse.”

“Rape me?  Please…please.”

“Hush.  Sgroi and Mosello killed six people.  We’re sure two of them were killed on the orders of Prudi.  We want Prudi.  We get Sgroi alive, we can make some sort of deal with him.  After this mess here, I’m sure he’ll be more than willing to pin the tail on Prudi.  You will be in on the whole deal, if you play along with me…including the arrest of Sgroi…along with the arrest of Prudi and D’Alema.”


“If possible, without getting you shot.  I still think you’re beautiful, so would hate to see your face on a morgue slab, with the rest of your lovely body.”


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Friday, February 17, 2017

Whodunit Did It, Book #1 of the Bader Trilogy - Whodunit not happy with new driver.

Today’s excerpt is from Whodunit Did It, Book #1 of the Bader Trilogy.  Whodunit not pleased when his new driver shoots a cop.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



He had also taken a trip to Mexico.  While there he had purchased several nice disguise outfits, bought for use in robberies.  The masks were the best he had tried to date.  He also bought some clothing to disguise his weight.  Next, he bought a pair of shoes with lifts, to make him appear an inch and a half taller than he actually was.  Lovejoy had told him he worked on a cash-only basis.  He did not have, nor did he want, a banking account or credit card.  What Lovejoy did not tell him was he had no driver’s license.  He had been driving without one for nearly ten years.  And he had no intention of ever getting one again.  He also didn’t tell “Whodunit” he always armed himself before any job.  He had a thirty-eight revolver in a hidden compartment of his luggage.  It only came out when he felt it might be necessary. 

The night of the robbery, Lovejoy drove “Whodunit” to the check-cashing business ten minutes after the armored truck left.  There was a sign on the door stating the business would be closed for fifteen minutes.  “Whodunit” simply shot out the lock on his way in.  When the clerk of the business came running out, “Whodunit” pointed his weapon at him.  “I really have no need to kill you, but I want the money just delivered.”

Too fast, the attendant replied, “The money is in the safe—I don’t have the combination.”

“Wrong answer,” “Whodunit” said as he shot the man in the shoulder, then added, “the next bullet is bound for your heart.  The money, please.”

Three minutes later, “Whodunit” left with a large bag filled with cash.  Lovejoy was an experienced getaway driver.  He drove off with “Whodunit” in the car at a speed just a mile over the speed limit.  All would have been well, except the car Lovejoy had stolen for the job had, of all things, a tail light out.  They were only two blocks from the parking garage where Whodunit’s car was parked, when the red flashing lights appeared in the rear view mirror.  Lovejoy calmly pulled over and lowered his window.  The patrolmen walked forward in a normal pace.  “Whodunit,” looking over his shoulder, felt things would go fine, as the patrolman surely would not mosey up to the car if he knew it had just been used in a robbery, after having been stolen.  The patrolman bent down, “Sir, you have a tail light out.  May I please see your driver’s license?”

Lovejoy reached inside his coat, pulled his gun out, then shot the patrolman.  He calmly drove off to the parking garage.  When they got there, Lovejoy drove up to the second floor, where “Whodunit’s” car was parked, and when he saw no space next to it, parked two cars down.  Neither man had spoken since the patrolman had been shot.  “Whodunit” took a deep breath, exhaled, opened his door, and, as he got out, brought his gun to bear on Lovejoy.  He shot him in the temple.  He hurried to his own car and drove home.


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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Adios, Amigos, Book #9 of The Asps series - Sarah has an oops.

Today’s excerpt is from Adios, Amigos, Book #9 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Sarah has a wardrobe malfunction.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



Jim had been the first in the pool, and the first out.  Holly was still swimming when Sarah Turner arrived.  Sarah had been a Marine Captain until she lost a leg in Iraq—along with her first husband, who was killed in the same blast.  She had subsequently married Albert (Al) (Bear) Turner, who was a recently retired Marine Staff Sergeant, and former SEAL.  Sarah worked on the master computer in the complex—Bear was a member of the Asps.

As Sarah walked toward Jim, she was wearing a terrycloth robe coming to her waist, with a wrap-around terry-cloth skirt.  When she reached Jim—having exchanged greetings as she walked toward him—she took the robe off, then laid it on a nearby chair, exposing her bikini swimsuit top.  Then she whipped off her wraparound.  Jim raised an eyebrow.  “Nice to see you shaved this morning.”

Sarah noticed Jim was looking at the lower portion of her torso.  She glanced down to discover she had forgotten to put on the lower half of her bikini.  As Sarah groaned, “Well, hell,” Holly reached the end of a lap, stopped, and looked at the bare-bottomed Sarah.

“Nice display, Sarah.  Save it for your own husband, please,” as Sarah’s oldest child, Holly (called Little Holly by everyone on the ranch) ran up to her mother, swinging the lower part of the bikini on her finger.

When she reached her mother, Little Holly handed it Sarah. “Daddy said you might be wanting this, mother.”

Sarah snatched up the bikini bottom, and soon had it on.  She bent to kiss Little Holly, “You better run along, dear.  I’m sure Daddy is waiting for you in the car, to take you to school.”

“He is.  Bye, Mommy—bye Jim and Holly.”


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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Fatheer Mulligan, Book #8 of the Asps Series - British MIt6 Chief wants man who killed his sister.

Today’s excerpt is from Father Mulligan, Book #8 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Sir Alistair, Chief of MI6, wants to get his hands of Hans Fugleman in the worst way.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



While Tony was bringing Sir Alistair up-to-date about what had happened to Larijani, Sir Alistair interrupted, “Tony, old chap, we’re in league with some sly devils.  In a round-about manner, I just received word a while ago stating the Israelis had snatched Larijani—but the Government there claims no knowledge of the matter.”

Tony laughed.  “Jim told me they spoke Hebrew when talking amongst themselves while in Larijani’s house.  His wife and two daughters both heard them…must have recognized the language.  Nice touch.  I would wager a few pounds very few in Israel even know Larijani is there, as we speak.”

Tony continued the summation of his conversation, until he reached the point of the attempted raid on the Telman home.  When he mentioned the name of Hans Fugleman, he was amazed at the response from Sir Alistair, who turned red in the face, swelled up like he was about to explode, then shook with anger.  After Sir Alistair composed himself, he got up from his desk before he walked over to one of the many pictures in his office.  He walked over to Tony and handed him the picture.  Tony, of course, had seen it before, but had no idea who the lady in the picture was.  He simply mumbled, “Beautiful young lady, Chief.”

“Yes, she was.  My younger sister, eight years my junior.  She died at the hands of Hans Fugleman.  I had heard he was dead—obviously mistaken information.  I won’t tell you the condition she was in when we found her body.  Nearly ended my career in the Service.  I wanted to go after him; no holds barred.  I was forbidden by the then-Chief from doing so.  I nearly quit, to take care of the matter on my own.  Somehow I was talked into staying the course.  But if he is alive, I want him!”

The Chief took the picture back from Tony, replaced it, and walked back behind his desk.  He sat down, then called Jim.  “Jim, I have a favor to ask.  When you run down Fugleman and are finished with him, I’d like him—alive, please.  I have a matter to settle with him.  It’s personal.”

Jim nearly got a chill from the ice in the Sir Alistair’s voice.  “Yes, of course.  We’ll make every effort to take him alive.  My plan for now, as far as Papoulias is concerned, is to let him stew in his own juices for a while.  Maybe separating Fugleman from him will add to his discomfort.  If we get a chance at him, we’ll nab him alive for you—I’ll make damned sure we get the chance.”

“Thank you.  Thank you for agreeing without knowing why.”

“No problem…you’d do the same for me.”

Sir Alistair agreed, then told Jim in detail why he wanted Fugleman.  He ended the story when he swallowed and added, “My sister was raped, gutted—her body showed many signs of torture.  She was in the Service at the time.”

Jim sighed when Sir Alistair finished.  He asked, “Do you mind if he gets a bit of rough treatment before we hand him over to you?”

“Not at all.  But please leave his testicles to me.  By the way, he ran with two other Stassi sorts when he fled East Germany, just before it fell…Erich Stoph and Manfred Pieck.  I believe—but do not know for certain—they were involved in the death of my sister.  If so, Fugleman was still the ringleader, so to speak.  I would be more than pleased if they would meet their demise…but do not need to be present when it happens.”



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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Billy's Rescue, Book #7 of the Asps Series - Billy does good, then makes a bad turn.

Today’s excerpt is from Billy’s Rescue, Book #7 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Billy takes out three more terrorists, but then makes what turns out to be a bad decision.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



After readying his rifle, Billy stepped out into the middle of the cave.  Once there, he carefully sighted in on the middle of the back of the man nearest to him, didn’t like the angle, squatted a bit, then squeezed off his shot.  With only a whisper of sound from the rifle, the round went into the back of the trailing terrorist, through his heart, into the back of the next man, clipped his heart just a bit, before it went on through the next man.  The third man’s heart was missed, but his spinal cord was severed, as had been the other two spinal cords behind him.  The bullet continued down the tunnel until it reached the point where the tunnel started curving to the left, then smacked into the side of the tunnel, its job complete.  The first to be hit died almost instantly, the second was barely clinging to life as Billy hurried forward.  The third terrorist was mortally wounded, but trying to figure out why his legs wouldn’t work.  Also, why he was having so much trouble breathing.

Billy hurried down the tunnel to the three men, saw one was surely dead, knelt to verify the fact, then saw the next man struggling in the throes of death.  Billy stood back a few feet and fired a round into his head.  He did the same to the last man.  Billy wondered just where the tunnel led, since the three men were so intent on reaching it they paid scant attention to their surroundings—namely, Billy.  Billy didn’t like his next thought, but decided attempting to duck a fight with the three—fearing it might lead more terrorists to him than he could handle was one thing.  But to ignore the possibility of intelligence, as it applied to the value of this cave and tunnel, wasn’t something he was prepared to do.  He sighed and started trudging down the tunnel, to see where it led.


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Monday, February 13, 2017

Bullets And Baseball, Book #6 of the Asps Series - Three Marines and CIA agent rescued in Pakistan.

Today’s excerpt is from Bullets And Baseball, Book #6 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Part of the team rescue three Marines and a CIA agent captured in Afghanistan, but being held by the Taliban in Pakistan.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



“Dusty, you and Bear circle around to their, I guess what you’d call, ‘prison’ tent.  The rest of us’ll spread out and do some counting off on who we’ll take when you guys are ready to make your move.  Any questions?”

With no questions, Dusty and Bear left to do as told.  First they dropped back another hundred feet from the camp, so they could move faster, then worked their way around to the rear of the tent they were after.  As they slowly moved in closer, they saw a man down on his haunches, with his AK-47 draped across his legs.  He was whittling a stick.  Dusty looked at Bear, who shrugged and took out his Asp.  Two seconds later, the terrorist slumped forward in death, the back of his head blown off. 

A good deal of the brain matter splatter flew to the back of the tent.  Dusty and Bear put down their rifles and hurried forward, Asps in hand.  Fearing the splatter might have been noticed inside the tent, as soon as they reached the rear of the tent, Dusty went to one side, and Bear the other.  Even as they started walking forward, Dusty whispered, “Okay, Bruce—let ‘em have it.”

With his group spread out, already having agreed on who would shoot whom, Bruce and the others opened fire.  Each of the four men outside the camp had selected the four men he would take out.  They were far enough back in the trees to need their rifles, rather than their Asps. 

By the time Bear and Dusty reached the front of the camp, eight terrorists were dead or dying.  Those two saw four men close to them…with both firing two killing shots, even as they moved to the tent’s flap.  There were a few sounds of startlement coming from those not yet shot.  Those sounds had alerted the three inside with their prisoners.  They had just stood up as Dusty followed Bear into the tent.  Bear killed one as Dusty was getting into the tent, then they both took out another.

Dusty quickly growled, “Bruce, there were three inside the tent, plus another one out back.  All now down and out.”

Not expecting an answer—which didn’t come—Dusty followed Bear to the men they had come to rescue.  Bear had already asked, “You guys ready to go home?”

The men, bound and gagged, all nodded their heads as Dusty and Bear started freeing them. 

Outside, all sixteen terrorists who had been visible from the vantage point of Bruce, Ed, Ike, and Billy were down.  Bruce glanced at Billy.   “Come with me to look for the other two.  Ed, Ike, hold fast to give us cover.  Well, maybe move in a bit, to be able to use your Asps.”

All four men hurried toward the camp, with Ed and Ike stopping a few paces past the edge of the camp, well within the hundred-foot accuracy point of the Asps.  The two men they were after came out of a tent, with AK-47s at the ready.  They died without firing a shot.


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Friday, February 10, 2017

Bear's War, Book #5 of the Asps Series - A bit of trouble...solved.

Today’s excerpt is from Bear’s War, Book #5 of the nine-book Asps Series.  In Kenya to rescue five nuns from an encampment of up to three thousand Muslims, the team runs into trouble on the way.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



The plane was located about fifteen miles northeast of the target area, and when it was full dark, with a quarter moon shining, Dusty—who the team felt had a GPS system in his head—drove the lead dune buggy.  Each of the three buggies had a fifty-caliber machine gun mounted on an elevated seat for the gunner.  Kye would be the gunner on Dusty’s buggy, with Ike riding alongside him in the front.  Next would be Bruce, driving with Bear the gunner, and Jack in the front with Bruce.  Anson would drive the third buggy, with Billy as his gunner.  The gunners, being elevated, had the primary responsibility of looking for potential trouble.  It came only five miles after they left the plane.  Bear was the first to spot the group of ten armed men.  Even though the buggies were nearly silent, after Jim had paid a good deal of money to have them muffled down as far as possible—the small noise they made could carry far in the still night, so Bear grumbled, “Stop…trouble.”

All three buggies stopped immediately and Bear told everyone what he saw.  In seconds, everyone but Kye and Billy were out of the buggies and moving forward slowly on foot.  Once they were sure there were only ten men in the area, Bruce decided to take them out.  “By the numbers, starting on the left…I’m one.”

Each person on the team, including Kye and Billy on their gun mounts, counted off.  Since there were only eight of them, it meant two of the enemy would be left after their first volley.  That posed no problem, as Bruce whispered, “Silent count of three.”

Roughly three seconds later, eight nearly silent shots from sniper rifles were on their way.  All eight targets were hit and went down.  The two remaining men had no time to realize what was happening, as they were each hit by several killing shots.


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