Thursday, March 31, 2016

Assassin I Am (More Books) - Rosemary takes first step in becomming an assassin.

Today’s excerpt is from Assassin I Am, a standalone book featuring new characters Fred Dupree and Rosemary Williams, as well as Hector Garcia, Jim Scott, and some other old friends.  After winning a bet with Fred, he agrees to Rosemary joining him on his mission.  Enjoy and have a great day.



“I served in the Corps myself for six years.  But I never got a chance to see any action—the Marine Corps made a computer geek outta me.  Knowing I’d never get a chance to get any revenge on Muslims for killing my dad and brother, I went for the big bucks when the government recruited me for my computer skills.  I’m actually employed by the Justice Department as sort of a roving computer anti-hacking fixer-upper.”

“Okay, that explains a lot.  You did, however, win our bet fair and square—though I still don’t understand how a little bit of a mite like you could best me.  You can go with me, but on the condition I laid down earlier.  You follow orders…to the letter.  I do have another question, though.  Have you ever killed anyone?”

“No—but will be happy to kill any Muslims you track down.  Was up to me, we’d line up all billion and a half of ‘em and gun down the lot.  I promise not to puke, the first one I kill.”

“Okay, you go.  But for now, go workout or something, while I call my boss and get chewed out.”

“Workout where?”

Fred jerked his thumb upward, stood, and walked to near the corner, where the windows covering the entire expanse of the living room met the wall behind where they had been sitting.  There was a door there, which he opened.  Behind it was a staircase.  “There’s a room on the roof.  It’s set back about ten feet from the front of the building.  Have fun.”

Rosemary turned around and sped into their bedroom.  There she changed clothes and came out wearing sweats and tennis shoes.  Fred looked at her.  “I thought the black outfit was the last one.”

“Oh, these don’t count.  They’re just for working out, or walking.  Make your phone call.  But I gotta warn you—working out makes me horny.”

“Good—if you’re horny on our little trip, it’ll keep you on edge and we might both stay alive.  If you’re wanting any more action from me, forget it.  I’m too old to go again, so soon after last night and this morning…actually twice this morning.  How you accomplished what you did before we got up, I don’t know—except to say you’re damned good.”

Rosemary pouted, but went to the staircase leading up through the roof.  Fred watched her leave before he dialed Harvey’s number.  Harvey answered, “Well?”

“Well, I notice there wasn’t anything about a phone dump on the cop.”

“Nothing of interest.  I’m betting on a burner phone for the type of call he’d have made to take you out on the plane.  How do you think you’ll proceed?”

“I’m going to St. Louis and nab him tonight, since he isn’t working.  You got a plane I can use, since mine got blown up?  And what about pilots—I mean ones as vetted as my guys?”

“Your plane should be landing at Luke in the next hour or so.  Sorta figured you’d be heading that way yet today.  The pilots are not vetted…at least to the extent your last crew was.  They do work for Homeland and should have better sense than to get nosey, but keep conversation with them to a minimum.  There’s a few other small airports in the area where you can land.  Let me know and I’ll have a car waiting for you.”

“God, I hate being so predictable.  I’ll be about two and a half hours getting to Luke.”

“Should leave you enough time to get to St. Louis before it gets too late—especially if you have to do any follow-up work.  What about Miss Williams.”

“She’s going with me.”

“Bullshit—no way.  Are you out of your mind?”

“You found me a backup yet?”

“Oh—you’re crazy, Frederick!”

“Harvey, her father and brother were Marines…both killed in action.  She was in the Corps for six years.  Is a computer genius that Justice more-or-less insisted she leave the Marine Corps to work for them, fixing computer problems…hacking problems.  Oh, and did I mention she and I had a little bet.  If she could outshoot me, she could go along; if not she stays here.  She outshot me…by more than a little.  She’ll be fine.”

“Horseshit!  No, you ignorant jackass.”

“Harvey, just have my plane waiting for me at Luke, and a car in St. Louis.  I’ll let the pilots figure out where they want to land, and one of them can call you with the location.  Goodbye.”

Before Fred put his phone down, he turned it off.

Harvey was fuming—mostly at Fred, but partially at himself for not having found someone to work with Fred. 


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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Escape From Mexico (More Books) - Michelle parks a car loaded with weapons on street inside Mexico...then goes shopping.

Today’s excerpt is from Escape From Mexico, a standalone book featuring the Beckers, Clyde Feegle, Jim Scott and some other old friends.  After parking a “bait” car, Michelle and the others do a bit of shopping.  Enjoy and have a great day.



The car with the two other ATF agents was waived right through the gate, after barely pulling to a complete stop. 

Then the procession continued until it reached the main “tourist” section of the city.  Ralph drove down the main street of that section of town, until he passed a parking space and was able to see another one about five cars up.  Everyone in the first two cars was wearing communication sets, and Ralph spoke into his, “Michelle, I just passed a parking spot—use it.”


Clyde muttered, “Damned tight spot you picked for her.”

Bob shook his head.  “No problem.  That darn gal could park a semi in a spot I couldn’t get a compact into.”

Michelle smiled inwardly, but said nothing, as she whipped into the tight spot, with nary a problem.  She was out looking for places to shop as she started walking on the sidewalk in the direction of where Ralph was parking.  About three shops past her parking slot, Michelle saw a store she thought might be interesting and went in.  By then the three men in the rental were out, and saw Michelle enter the shop. 

Clyde groaned, “I can’t believe she got into that tight a parking spot and is already shopping.”  Bob was already “window shopping” as he headed toward the store Michelle had gone into.

This time Michelle nearly laughed outright, but kept on looking the shop over.  When Bob reached that store, he looked in the window, shrugged, and walked in.  Meanwhile, Clyde walked off, away from Ralph, and went into a store selling local artworks.

Ralph satisfied himself with window shopping, doing so in a manner which allowed him to see the rental.  Less than two minutes later, he whispered into his communication set, “Well, well—they’re on the ball.  A panel truck just stopped next to Michelle’s car and two guys are getting out.  One’s getting into the car; the other is carrying what looks like a small version of the type of sign used to block traffic.  Hold on.  I can see the side of it now—yup, he has a sign on it that reads ‘No Parking’ in both English and Spanish.  Michelle, you’re gonna love this.  The idiot stealing the car is having a hell of a time getting out of the parking spot you whipped into without so much as a by-your-leave.”

Michelle, looking at Mexican-style clothing, grinned slightly, but kept on with her shopping.  Bob, his chest puffed out slightly with pride at his wife’s great ability to park, managed to not smile while walking toward a section of the store not too far from Michelle.  He spotted a sombrero-style hat and put it on.  There was a small mirror nearby and he was admiring the look when Michelle walked by.  She whispered, “Get that thing off your head—you look like a dork.”

Bob grunted as he put the hat back where he had found it.  Next he started checking out the large selection of colorful Mexican-style ponchos.  When he found one he liked, he put it on to see how it fit.  It didn’t, so he found a larger one of the same color and put it on.  As he decided this one would do, Michelle came back, looked at him, nodded, and muttered, “Better.  I’d like one just like it, if you can find one to fit me.”

Bob smirked, and tossed her the first one he had tried on.  Michelle put it on, liked the fit, handed it back, and grinned.  “Good.  Thanks.”

She walked off, with Bob shaking his head, but he took the two ponchos to the checkout area.  Then as an afterthought, he went back for his sombrero, since Michelle had her back turned to him while looking at blouses. 

He paid quickly and had all three items placed in a bag…with some colored tissue paper on top, to “hide” the sombrero.  When Michelle brought over the items she wanted, she looked at the bag, thought it looked a bit full for having just the two ponchos, but said nothing.


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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Monster's Palace (Other Books) - Clyde and Greta head home from Dick's home.

Today’s excerpt is from Monster’s Palace, a standalone book featuring new hero Clyde Feegle, Jim Scott and some other old friends.  After the mission, Clyde rounds up his dog who had stayed at Dick’s home.  All is well until he reaches his front door…   Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



After parking in his garage, Dick got his war bag and sniper rifle out, but Clyde grunted, “I’ll get my stuff tomorrow.  For now I’ll just round up Greta (his dog) and walk home.  In case you haven’t noticed, it’s three AM.”

“I noticed.”

As the garage door closed—after Dick pushed the button near the door leading from the garage into his home—he punched in the security code for the alarm system.  Then the two went inside.  Greta was all over Clyde as he came in, and Dick’s dog, Buster, greeted him in like manner.  Both men also gave loving to the other’s “pooch” before Clyde got Greta’s halter and leash down from a kitchen hook near the now-closed door leading from the garage.

On the way to the front door with Greta, Clyde softly mumbled, “Tell Dolly thanks…again.  Let her know I didn’t want to wake her to offer said thanks.”

Dick was trailing along, with Buster alongside him, as the four passed the living room on the way to the foyer at the front door.  From the living room, the two men heard, “Tell Dolly yourself, Senior Chief Feegle—Dolly’s awake.  What in the hell are you doing bringing my husband home this time of the morning?”

Dolly came dragging herself out, clad in pajamas, robe, and slippers.  She kissed Dick as Clyde joked, “Nice outfit you’re wearing to greet weary warriors.”

Dolly smiled as she pecked Clyde on the cheek, then replied, “I notice you made no comment about my offering about the time of morning.”

“How astute, dear Dolly.  Thank you again for caring for Greta.  She behave herself?”

“Yes, she did…as always.  You guys have a successful mission?”

“Yup,” Dick answered.  “Bunch of bad guys gone bye-bye.”

Clyde was chuckling as he and Greta left.  The walk took longer than Clyde would have liked, as Greta had to smell what seemed like every tree and blade of grass on the walk home.  At least she didn’t have to relieve herself.  She saved that until they reached Clyde’s yard, but it was only to urinate in the middle of his yard, then they headed toward the front door.


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Monday, March 28, 2016

Back to China (Other Books) - Jim Scott has suggestions for the new President.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To China, a standalone book featuring Jim Scott and some other old friends.  After the new President fires the CIA Director, Homeland Security Secretary, and the FBI Director left over from the last administration, Jim Scott has suggestions for replacements.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.
“Thank you, but now I not only have to worry about how to get our two men back—and do it soon—but I also have to replace the three blind mice.”
Jim raised his hand and asked, “If I may, sir?”
“You may.”
“I have two suggestions on replacements.  CIA first:  Glenn Burgess is a retired Assistant Director of The National Clandestine Service.  While still with CIA, he worked closely with Tony, and is top-flight.  I know if you have a political appointment in mind, Glenn may not be the right guy.  However, he knows where all the skeletons are buried, and would be able to clean up the mess the CIA has become in the past eight years.  I know him well, consider him a close friend, and know he wouldn’t be interested in running the agency for an extended period of time, but I’m sure he would be willing to handle it for a year or two.  For now, at least, he could be a big help to us, with the plan I’ve conceived to get our people back.  A plus is he’s close by, in southeastern Pennsylvania.” 
Tony cut Jim off at that point and sang the praises of Glenn Burgess.  He pointed out that, in his opinion, Glenn could “think outside the box” and was fearless.  He also told the President one of the best things about Glenn was his willingness to listen—especially to those in the field, who worked for him.
When Tony finished, the ex-President chimed in with a strong endorsement. 
When those two finished, the President immediately decided to move forward and asked Jim to call him.  When Jim called, he explained the current situation with the two physicists, and the firing of the current CIA Director.  Then he added, “What I’m leading up to, Glenn, is if you’d be willing to take charge at CIA—at least until this current mess is resolved?”
Glenn had noticed the White House exchange when the call came in.  He laughed.  “Let me guess—you’re sitting there with our new President, and this call is on speaker phone?”
The President identified himself and added, “I was told you were very perceptive, Mr. Burgess.  You want the job?”
“On one condition.  When Jim has come home with the two taken by the Chinese, he has to agree to give me a hand at weeding out the deadwood at the agency.”
Jim shook his head and sighed.  “Okay, Glenn—turnabout is fair play.  I’m in…but only for six months or so.”
“Yeah, we’ll see about that.  Mr. President, I’m ready to start when you want me.”
“Good.  We’ll send a chopper to round you up.  I’ll have someone call you on another phone, so you can tell us how to find you.  Want you to come straight to the White House.”
After Glenn agreed, the President nodded to Ken Alexander.  Jim hastily wrote down Glenn’s phone number and handed it to him.  When Ken left the room, the President looked at Jim.  “Okay, he’ll have an ‘interim’ label, until I can get his name up on the Hill for approval.  Now, since you’re on a roll, your other suggestion?”
“Homeland Security would be in good hands if you selected John Engle.  He’s a former FBI Director.”
Before Jim could go any further, the ex-President butted in and told the President he could find no better man in America for the job.  He gave a brief outline of John’s service to the country while he was President.
When he finished, the President smiled.  “Sold.  In this case, I’m familiar with Mr. Engle.  He’s even on my list of ‘possibles’ for the Attorney General slot.  Ken, in fact, contacted him.  Mr. Engle was, at best, lukewarm to the idea.  Give him a call, Jim.”
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Friday, March 25, 2016

Pool Of Blood, Book 3 of 3 Bob Becker Books (Other Books) - Holly decides she and Jim will help out.

Today’s excerpt is from Pool Of Blood, the third of three Bob Becker books.  Reinforcements on the way to lend a hand with the problems facing Bob and Michelle.  Enjoy and have a great day.



Holly laughed, “Just fine…thanks for the compliment.  If your honey is handy, ask her if she’s ready for some more flying lessons.  Jim and I are on our way to the rehab complex.  We plan on spending a week or so in the area.”

“I’m sure she’d love it, Holly, but we’ve got a couple of hot fish to fry…not the least of which is Michelle getting shot at yesterday, coming out of the St. Charles courthouse.  This right after she picked up a new case on a guy who was convicted of a murder it really looks like he might not have done.  We don’t know if the two are connected at this point, but would like to see you and Jim—and maybe she can take some time to go flying.”

“Hold on, Bob—I’m changing course to your place.  Be there in about fifteen minutes.  What’s your wind direction?”

Bob stood up, looked out the window at the windsock at the end of his runway, and answered, “Calm.  You can come in either way.”

“See ya.”

Bob looked at the dead phone in his hand, laughed, and quickly told Michelle to expect guests, then explained Holly’s reaction to his report of the shooting.

Michelle explained to Lorri who Jim and Holly Scott were.  In addition to being friends, they had a background—not fully known to Bob and Michelle—in dealing with evildoers.

What Bob and Michelle didn’t know—beyond the fact that Jim was a retired Marine Major and former CIA operative—was that he had headed up a team doing off-the-books (black bag) jobs for the President from a few months before the 9/11 Islamist attack on America for over seven years.  Then Jim had funded a CIA operation that included some military personnel for another few years after his team was disbanded, late in “their President’s” second term.  They knew Holly was a former FBI agent—and knew whatever Jim had been up to, Holly had been right by his side.

Bob hurried to finish his still-colder breakfast, then hurried outside to get in a dune-buggy style cart he used to drive around his property.  He hurried to the runway, just as Holly was landing her plane.  Holly parked the plane near Bob’s refueling pumps.  Bob greeted Jim and Holly when they deplaned, and helped Jim load up their travel gear before they headed back to the house.  Once there, Bob introduced them to Lorri.  Tillie was soon all over Jim, as she recognized a friend who spoiled her every time he visited. 


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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Today’s excerpt is from Bigfoot Bait, the second of three Bob Becker books.  Bob starts the hunt inside the national forest while the others are on their way to help out.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



“I know, but truth be told, we’ve just finished the easy part.  You want me to wait for you, or go ahead in to nose around a bit.  We’ve still got several hours of daylight left, but will probably need every bit of it.”

“Go ahead…Holly and I just reached Reardan.  I haven’t even called Hector to see where he is.  We’ve all got the same Wenatchee map, so just let us know each road, path, et cetera, you come to, and check out.  We’ll figure out our plan of attack when we get there.”

“What I was thinking.  I’m gonna grab a fast bite to eat, gas up, then hit it.  See you when I see you.”

Jim nodded to himself before calling Hector.  “Where are you, pal?”

“On my damned way, amigo.  But I’m still the better part of an hour from you.”

“Okay—I’m gonna gas up, then get something to eat with Holly.  When I see you pull in, I’ll order you a burger and fries to go.”

“Thanks a heap.  You wanna do something silly—like telling me where you’re gonna eat?”

Jim had already spotted the café where he and Holly would eat.  As he was telling Hector where they’d be, Bob had already ordered his meal.  When he finished, he paid his check on his way to start what he hoped would not be a long hunt.


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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Too Many Women - Book 1 of 3 Bob Becker Books (Other Books) - Bob gets a new client.

Today’s excerpt is from Too Many Women, the first of three Bob Becker books.  Bob gets a new client, after his office is shot up and he shots the two men responsible.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Terri swallowed as she walked alongside Bob.  As they headed toward the car, Bob asked, “If I may ask, why were you coming in to my office?”

“Hopefully to hire you—for protection.”

“From whom and why?”

“My husband.  He and two of his men killed a woman in our home yesterday.”

Bob frowned, “Normally I don’t take domestic cases—but in this case, I’d say you need protection, if these guys were after you.  I don’t come cheap.”

“I’m loaded…my own money.  Got more’n my husband.”

Bob grunted, and then as they reached the car, grabbed the hair of the dead man, lifted his head, and turned his face to give Terri a good look.  “That’s Moonbeam—one of the guys with my husband yesterday.  I think his last name is Brown.”

Bob chuckled while leading Terri around the car.  As he did, he scanned the area to look for more possible trouble and noted the sound of sirens getting nearer by the second.  When they reached the driver’s side of the car, the driver’s face was turned toward them.  Terri looked at him.  “Dingy Reid…the other guy from yesterday…um, with my husband.”

Bob led Terri back around the car.  Once there, he released her arm, and put his gun back in his right hand.  “May as well wait for the cops right here.  You want to tell me the full story of what’s going on?”


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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

How 'bout Both, Book 3 of 3 Elmer Bader books (Other Books) Elmer and Maine get protection detail.

Today’s excerpt is from How ‘bout Both, the third of three Elmer Bader books.  Maine, with a broken arm, and Elmer still in a hospital bed (but soon to be released) with his injuries get a protection detail from the chief of Police.  Enjoy and have a great day.



Just then two uniformed officer came into the room.  One nodded in Elmer’s direction.  “Hi, Lieutenant—got orders from the brass to babysit you until this deal is over.  Got two more outside the room.  We’re gonna rotate.”

Elmer grinned.  “See, Maine, how things have a way of working out?  Meet our new drivers.  Guys, it’s Elmer here in bed.  The one-armed gal is Maine…Bobbitt—but Maine is good enough.  You two are?”

The taller of the two answered, “I’m Stanley Dampler…Stan to my friends.  The short ugly guy there is Kenneth Keeton…Ken to his friends…but he has none.”

Elmer nodded.  “Hi, Stan…and Ken.  Uh, who brass?”

Ken answered, “The Chief…we normally work security for him.  We’re now working security for you.  The two guys outside the room are just with us until you check out of the hospital.  Then we’re with you twenty-four hours a day.  The Chief said you could bunk us out at your home, until you catch this bastard—er, excuse the language, ladies.”

Ruth joked, “I’ve heard worse.  You’re welcome at our home…thank you.”

Helen laughed.  “I’ve said a lot worse.  So has Maine.  You should have heard her when they led her out of the demolished hotel today after she found out Elmer was dinged up pretty good.”

Maine just smiled and nodded.  Elmer joked, “Yeah, she cusses a lot in the car too when we’re heading somewhere in a hurry.  Sure glad the citizens she’s cussing at to get out of our way can’t hear her.”

Maine rolled her eyes, but said nothing. 


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Monday, March 21, 2016

Horace Goes Home, Book 2 of 3 Bader Books (Other Books) - Hector 3, hoods 0.

Today’s excerpt is from Horace Goes Home, the second of three Elmer Bader books.  Hector and some of his men capture the three thugs planning to do in Horace.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



After John’s car passed the original spotter, then started down the long drive, Hector ordered, “Barn, take out the first guy.  Car, slow down just a bit.”

The man in the barn immediately told his two men there to capture the first man watching the ranch.   Elmer told John to slow slightly.  A few seconds later the man in the barn was told the first man was secure.  Per their plan, the two men there would drive both cars down with the captive when told to.  When the first watcher had taken the other two to their new site, their car had been left behind, because there was no other good place to permanently park their car.  He had stayed a very short time after getting them in place because his car could be seen from the road leading to the ranch driveway.

The man in the barn reported the successful capture of the first man, then trained his riflescope on the sniper at the other site.  He passed on the information.  The fallback plan if the sniper had his rifle aimed for more than two seconds was for the barn man to take him out before he could shoot.

When John pulled to a stop in front of the house, Hector ordered, “Everyone in the car—out.”

Elmer relayed the information, and all four men got out.  As they did, Hector instructed, “House…send out your clay pigeon.”

Red was ready.  “Come on, Horace—about three steps behind me.”

Up at the observation site, the man with a bad hand was looking at the front of the house, with a night vision telescope.  On seeing and recognizing Horace behind Red, he tapped the shooter on the shoulder.  “Okay—second guy walkin’ to the guys getting out of the car is our target.  Take your shot.”

As the sniper turned his rifle with a night vision scope toward Horace, his head was suddenly jerked back.  A cold voice said, “You pull that trigger, your brains will follow the round.”

The sniper could feel the cold steel at the back of his head, as his head was being held.  He slowly eased his hand off the rifle.  The man with the bad hand also felt cold steel on the back of his neck.  When told to put their hands behind their backs, they complied.  Soon both had secured hands, duct tape placed on their mouths, and hoods put on their heads.

One of the men then reported in.  “Secure.  Gonna walk them in now.”

The man in the barn could clearly see the mission had been a success.  “Mission accomplished.  Our men are walking them in.  You other fellas drive on down.”

Everyone with communication sets heard—and everyone on the conference call heard as well.  Hector nodded to himself.  “Nice work, men.  I’m coming down.  Ending conference call.”


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Friday, March 18, 2016

Whodunit Did It - Book #1 of 3 Bader books (Other Books) - Elmer playing cupid.

Today’s excerpt is from Whodunit Did It, the first of three Elmer Bader books.  Elmer arranges for his partner to meet the sister of his third ex-wife and current lover.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



“Well, at least if you’re setting me up with a good-looking widow, she’s a rich one.”

They had just finished their conversation when Elmer turned down Ruth’s street.  As they got out of the car, Alan mumbled, “Well, here goes nothing.”

When Elmer opened the door with his key, Alan slowly followed him in.  Ruth ran up to Elmer, jumped and wrapped her legs around him as she gave him a big kiss.  She dislodged herself, kissed Alan on the cheek, then introduced her sister, Beth.

Alan almost fainted.  Beth Broody was without any doubt the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.  Elmer hadn’t lied about her body, either—it was magnificent.  He managed to stammer a weak, “Nice to meet you.”  He held out his hand to shake hers. 

Ruth hustled them in to the dining room table, before food was quickly served.  Ruth and Elmer soon found themselves carrying the conversation as Beth and Alan were either sizing each other up, or were too shy to do much talking—Elmer wasn’t sure which.

Alan did manage to tell Ruth how great the meal was, but had little else to say.  For her part, Beth also congratulated Ruth on a fine meal.  She also told Elmer how glad she was to see him again, but offered little more to the table conversation.

When all were finished eating, Elmer picked up his plate and Ruth’s, then headed toward the kitchen.  Alan followed along, with his plate and Beth’s.   As those two started the dishes, with Elmer washing and Alan drying, Ruth and Beth brought in the other items from the table.  Ruth nudged Beth with her elbow.  “Come on, Beth—get your workout clothes on.  We’ll meet the boys in there.”

“I don’t have workout clothes with me.”

“Borrow some of mine…the legs might be a bit short…the top a bit tight, but otherwise, they’ll work.”

Those two were busy into the routine Ruth had set out for them when the men arrived in their workout clothing.  With Elmer doing all he could to keep from laughing outright at Alan, Ruth put him through his paces as he moaned and groaned about how sore he still was from the previous night’s workout.

When the workout was finished, Elmer grinned, “Okay—partner, a fast shower before we hit the road.”

In the shower off her bedroom, Ruth jumped up on Elmer and wrapped her legs around him.  More than a shower took place.

Later, when everyone was dressed and near the front door, Elmer kissed Ruth, pecked Beth on the cheek, then gave a head jerk to Alan, “Come on, partner.”

As Elmer headed toward the door, Alan quickly thanked Ruth for a fine meal, and then went to Beth, and held out his hand.  “Nice to meet you.  Hope I get to see you again sometime.” In the car, as he backed down the drive, Elmer kidded, “Boy, you’re really smooth, partner.  ‘Nice to meet you.  Hope to see you again sometime.’  For God’s sake, is that the best you could do?”

“Aw, hell, Elmer—leave me alone.  The gal is way out of my league.  You know it.  Ruth knows it.  Beth sure as hell knows it.  Next time you fix me up with someone, make it someone not ten miles over my station in life—and my looks.”

Elmer just laughed.


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Thursday, March 17, 2016

Adios, Amigos (Book #9 of the Asps Series) - Dan and Janet lending a hand in Bolivia.

Today’s excerpt is from Adios, Amigos, Book #9 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Dan and Janet take care of the two terrorists they are following while other members of the group deal with more terrorists elsewhere in Bolivia.  Enjoy and have a great day.



In the Land Rover, Dan thought things over for a second or two.  “Seems to me there is a stand of trees we can pull into, about half a mile past their house.  Let’s say we wait about half an hour, turn the lights on, and drive right on through town.  Even if they see us, they will just assume we are just passing through.”

“Sounds like a plan, hubby.”

Thirty minutes later, Dan started the Land Rover, turned the lights on, and did just that.  He drove by the mentioned stand of trees until he went around a bend in the road, then turned the lights back off and made a U-turn, so he was headed back to the trees.  When he pulled in, he got out, stretched, and looked at his wife.  “Okay, Jan.  You stay here to guard our chariot; I’ll go in to take out those two.  Better get up in this nice tree I parked near…just in case someone we don’t want to come along comes along.  Better look carefully in the tree for snakes before you go up.”

“Thanks for the thought, dear bedmate.  Come on, boost me up.”

Dan chuckled while he did as asked.  Janet in the tree, he headed off on his walk of less than half a mile.  As he walked, one of the men in the house, who had heard Dan drive by, looked out the window until he couldn’t see the lights of the vehicle any longer, and snuggled back into bed.  He was dead less than twenty minutes later, as Dan quietly entered the house, found one man, shot him, then found the one who had seen him drive by, and shot him as well.  He gathered up the money they carried, then called Janet, “Hi, dear.  How about hopping down from your tree to pick me up?  I’ll start walking your way.”

After Janet picked him up, he kissed her, before he suggested, “You drive for a while.  I’ll call Bruce to check in.  Want to see what he wants us to do now.”


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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Father Mulligan (Asps Series, Book #8) - MI6 traitor tracked down.

Today’s excerpt is from Father Mulligan, Book #8 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Drew, Boris, Pepper, and Suzan track down and capture the MI6 traitor.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Had Fugleman known Drew Hollins and Boris Telman were now engaged in the hunt for Aldridge, he would have also have known Aldridge was more than likely to be caught…and tell everything he knew.  In the tenth bar they went into, Boris was sitting inside the bar having a drink made from a very good brand of vodka—though not his favorite—when Drew walked in.  He made a loud spectacle of himself as he asked if anybody knew of the whereabouts of one Preston Aldridge.  He showed the traitor’s picture around.  He offered a ten thousand dollar, cash, no questions asked, reward for information leading to the man.  On finding no takers, Drew left the bar.  About ten seconds after Drew left, Boris had his man.  The man was sitting near a telephone in the rear of the bar…next to a side entrance/exit.  Boris could tell the man was trying to figure out if he should call or just get up and leave…more than likely, straight to Aldridge.  The man opted for the latter.  He hurriedly got up, then went out the side door.  Boris followed with great haste.  He smiled as he cleared the door. 

Drew had his Asp sticking in the man’s mouth.  He glanced at Boris and winked.  “Okay, my fine friend, there are two ways we can do this.  One will cause you a great deal of pain.  The other will cut off your supply of money from Aldridge, but that will happen either way.  Would you like to be a good boy by telling me just where Aldridge is—or will I have to ask my former KGB agent friend behind you to do the dirty work in finding out the information—which we will find out…trust me.”

The man swallowed.  He nodded his head as far as he dared, in fear the gun in his mouth would go off.  When said gun was removed, he was told to speak.  “I only have a phone number.”

Boris took one step, rabbit-punched the man to the back of the neck, then kicked him in the side when he landed on the ground.  “That is the last lie you will tell us.  In KGB we were taught to tell when being lied to by the sound of the voice doing the lying.  I will repeat the question for you:  Where is Aldridge?”

The man, in pain—as well as scared out of his wits at the appearing-from-nowhere knife in the big hand of Boris—told them where Preston Aldridge was.  On further questioning, he also told them Aldridge planned to leave the island by boat, where the boat would come in, and when it would be there—which would be early the following morning, at three.

Sure they had been told the truth, the men helped their captive to his feet, bound his hands behind his back, and put a hood on his head, as Boris told him to stand still.  By prior arrangement, it was agreed Drew would go for their car once they had someone with knowledge of Aldridge in their grasp.

Drew hurried to the car, now some half a mile away.  When he returned, he backed down the alley where Boris waited with the hooded man.  As he got out after popping the trunk release, Drew brought a strip of duct tape with him.  The hood soon came off and the duct tape was applied to the man’s mouth, before the hood went back on.  The man was placed, none too gently, in the trunk.

After Drew and Boris got back in the car, Drew called Pepper.  He told her which fleabag hotel Aldridge was in.  She reported, happily, it was not one she and Suzan had yet visited, so there should be no warning given to Aldridge.  When Pepper asked if she and Suzan should go ahead with the capture of Aldridge, Drew replied, “By all means.  No sense Boris and I should get all the fun.  We’ll meet you behind the hotel.”

By the time Drew drove to the rear of the hotel, a bound, gagged, and hooded Preston Aldridge stood between Suzan and Pepper, waiting patiently for their ride.  The capture had gone without any trouble.  Suzan, with slightly tan skin owing to her Cherokee bloodlines, had simply knocked on the door to Aldridge’s room.  She called out, “Gotta spray your room for bedbugs…some were discovered in the next room.”  She held up a can of bug spray they had gotten from the actual cleaning lady.

When Aldridge opened the door, he was looking at two women holding Asps.  His heart sank as he recognized Pepper from a picture of her in the Sir Alistair’s office.  The first time he had seen the picture, he had been told she was the greatest female spy alive…one with deadly instincts.  The picture had been taken fifteen years earlier when Pepper still had brown hair—rather than her present graying hair—but the cold steel-gray eyes he looked into told him his great gamble to spend a rich lifestyle with his mistress was now a lost bet.


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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Billy's Rescue (Asps Series, Book #7) - Wendy lands and picks up Billy.

Today’s excerpt is from Billy’s Rescue, Book #7 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Billy “rescued”…for now.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



 As those talks went on, Wendy was landing on the roadway where Billy patiently waited, after he had said goodbye to his Special Forces friends.  When the plane landed, the ramp started down, as Billy hurried to drive his buggy up into the bowels of the plane.  Once it was secured, Phil called forward to let Wendy know she could take off.  When the plane was up, Wendy called back on the intercom.  “All the damn Marines on this plane—front and center to the cockpit.”

Kye looked at Bear and shrugged, before the two of them led Billy forward to the cockpit.  When they arrived, Wendy growled, “Billy, you’re drunk.  You smell like crap…literally.  Here’s the deal…straight from Jim.  You don’t get cleaned up, Billy.  Sobering up would be nice.  After we pick Jack up, he thinks you need immediate attention on any of your dings, he can go ahead.  Don’t ask me why Jim wants it this way, but he does.  You two, take care of him.  Plenty of coffee for starters, then keep an eye on him, so he doesn’t get hurt.  A drunk on my plane…damn.”

 Billy slurred, “Good to see you, too, you sexy little redhead.”

Wendy laughed.  “Good to see you, too, Billy… glad you’re okay.”

Before Billy could say anything else, Kye and Bear hustled him to the rear of the plane, even as Maggie was laughing at Wendy’s performance.  When the three Marines were gone, she joked, “Nice way to treat our poor hurt hero.”

“Oh, I know.  But the damn guy had me worrying about him.  Then the first I see of him, he’s found some Special Forces guys in the middle of nowhere to get plowed with.  But I don’t really blame him…I’d probably have done the same thing—the release factor.”


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Monday, March 14, 2016

Bullets And Baseball (Asps Series, Book #6) - Shootout in Yemen.

Today’s excerpt is from Bullets And Baseball, Book #6 of the nine-book Asps Series.  The team and three other agents ready to depart Yemen after taking care of a bit of business in two different locations.  Enjoy and have a great day.



 Things were much less jovial in Sana’a as Gordon neared the meeting site.  He arrived a full five minutes before his two men did.  They were closely followed by two cars.  Those in the cars following knew the area they were approaching, and knew it should be a perfect place to kill the two agents.

The third car in the procession suddenly pulled out to pass the other two cars and cut off the agent’s car.  While not a bad plan, it didn’t go too well for the terrorists, as Gordon—his car never turned off—shot forward to cut the car off as it passed the second car.  He swerved in to cut it off, and Gordon’s two agents, seeing that, screeched to a stop, effectively pinning the two offending cars.  In so doing, the terrorists were turned from trappers into trappees.  The terrorists, seven in total, were slower getting out of their cars than Gordon and friends, and started dropping as they exited their vehicles.  The gun battle was over in less than a minute, with all seven terrorists either dead, or close to death.  They hadn’t died without inflicting a bit of damaged, however.  Maggie was shot in the shin, just above her ankle, by a shot fired by a dying man under the car door she’d stayed behind.  One of Gordon’s agents had been hit in the side, as he’d ventured too far from his car door to get a better shot.  Bruce had been shot in his left shoulder, through the window of the door he was behind.   

Pete, his field first aid kit in hand, went to Maggie to assist her, while Bruce sighed.  “Gordon, go check those guys out.  Any of them alive enough to ask a few questions of, load ‘em up in one of our cars.  If not, just make sure they’re all dead.”

Gordon’s unwounded agent was by then busy trying to help out his companion, while Bruce walked over to where Pete and Maggie were.  “Load her up in the car, Pete, and fix her up there.  We really need to get the hell out of Dodge before anyone else shows up to ruin our day.”

Gordon looked at Bruce, saw him tending to his wound as he got in the car, saw Pete and Maggie getting in the rear, and knew none of them was going to be driving the other car.  He asked his two agents how they were doing, and the agent being repaired set his jaw.  “We’re good to go, Gordo.  My bleeding is stopped, so I’m okay for now.  Where to?”

Bruce, still half in and half out of the other car, answered for Gordon, “Our plane.  You guys got anything that has to be gathered up—like personal stuff—we’ll get Glenn to send someone around to gather it in for you.”

Gordon almost laughed, but did grin, and joked, “You sound like you don’t want to get involved in any more shoot-outs with us,” before he got in his car.

Bruce nodded as he closed his door.  “You got that right.  Before we go, give me a hand here.”

Bruce had a compress on his wound, and was trying to hold it in place by wrapping gauze around it, without a lot of success.  Gordon laughed, gave him a hand, and, on seeing his two men back in their car, headed toward the airport, with them following along.

Bruce got out his phone, and knowing Dusty would be driving, called Kye.  “Hi, General.  We had a little incident here.  One of Gordon’s agents is shot-up, I’m hit in the shoulder, and Maggie took one in her lower leg.  All of us are headed to the plane.  Everyone’s belongings are in the suite.  Stop, pick ‘em up, get to the plane as quick as you can, then we’ll split the scene in Yemen posthaste.”

Kye smiled.  “Will do—we’re done here.  Nut cases Bear and Billy went for a naked swim in the middle of the morning…unarmed…and went aboard the ship.  They have it rigged to blow when it puts to sea.  They can tell you about it when we see you at the plane.  You want me to call Glenn?”

“Yeah, thanks.”


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