Monday, March 28, 2016

Back to China (Other Books) - Jim Scott has suggestions for the new President.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To China, a standalone book featuring Jim Scott and some other old friends.  After the new President fires the CIA Director, Homeland Security Secretary, and the FBI Director left over from the last administration, Jim Scott has suggestions for replacements.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.
“Thank you, but now I not only have to worry about how to get our two men back—and do it soon—but I also have to replace the three blind mice.”
Jim raised his hand and asked, “If I may, sir?”
“You may.”
“I have two suggestions on replacements.  CIA first:  Glenn Burgess is a retired Assistant Director of The National Clandestine Service.  While still with CIA, he worked closely with Tony, and is top-flight.  I know if you have a political appointment in mind, Glenn may not be the right guy.  However, he knows where all the skeletons are buried, and would be able to clean up the mess the CIA has become in the past eight years.  I know him well, consider him a close friend, and know he wouldn’t be interested in running the agency for an extended period of time, but I’m sure he would be willing to handle it for a year or two.  For now, at least, he could be a big help to us, with the plan I’ve conceived to get our people back.  A plus is he’s close by, in southeastern Pennsylvania.” 
Tony cut Jim off at that point and sang the praises of Glenn Burgess.  He pointed out that, in his opinion, Glenn could “think outside the box” and was fearless.  He also told the President one of the best things about Glenn was his willingness to listen—especially to those in the field, who worked for him.
When Tony finished, the ex-President chimed in with a strong endorsement. 
When those two finished, the President immediately decided to move forward and asked Jim to call him.  When Jim called, he explained the current situation with the two physicists, and the firing of the current CIA Director.  Then he added, “What I’m leading up to, Glenn, is if you’d be willing to take charge at CIA—at least until this current mess is resolved?”
Glenn had noticed the White House exchange when the call came in.  He laughed.  “Let me guess—you’re sitting there with our new President, and this call is on speaker phone?”
The President identified himself and added, “I was told you were very perceptive, Mr. Burgess.  You want the job?”
“On one condition.  When Jim has come home with the two taken by the Chinese, he has to agree to give me a hand at weeding out the deadwood at the agency.”
Jim shook his head and sighed.  “Okay, Glenn—turnabout is fair play.  I’m in…but only for six months or so.”
“Yeah, we’ll see about that.  Mr. President, I’m ready to start when you want me.”
“Good.  We’ll send a chopper to round you up.  I’ll have someone call you on another phone, so you can tell us how to find you.  Want you to come straight to the White House.”
After Glenn agreed, the President nodded to Ken Alexander.  Jim hastily wrote down Glenn’s phone number and handed it to him.  When Ken left the room, the President looked at Jim.  “Okay, he’ll have an ‘interim’ label, until I can get his name up on the Hill for approval.  Now, since you’re on a roll, your other suggestion?”
“Homeland Security would be in good hands if you selected John Engle.  He’s a former FBI Director.”
Before Jim could go any further, the ex-President butted in and told the President he could find no better man in America for the job.  He gave a brief outline of John’s service to the country while he was President.
When he finished, the President smiled.  “Sold.  In this case, I’m familiar with Mr. Engle.  He’s even on my list of ‘possibles’ for the Attorney General slot.  Ken, in fact, contacted him.  Mr. Engle was, at best, lukewarm to the idea.  Give him a call, Jim.”
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