Friday, March 4, 2016

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Sedona Chip (Janitors Series, Book #9) - Wendy not a happy camper.

Today’s excerpt is from Sedona Chip, Book #9 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Jim’s new horse reaches the U.S., and Wendy is mildly upset to see horse manure on the floor of “her” plane.  Enjoy and have a great day.



 When Wendy landed the plane at Andrews, she taxied it over to the hanger that had been designated for the Janitors’ plane—and their plane alone.  After cutting the engines, she walked back to the rear of the plane.  By the time she arrived, the makeshift restraints placed on the horse had been removed, and Jim was getting ready to lead the horse down the loading ramp.

Wendy noticed a pile of fresh horse manure—which was half-on and half-off the piece of plywood that had been placed under the horse to stand on during the flight—and shook her head in resignation.  “I must be the first pilot to fly a United States Air Force C-130 from Iran to the United States with a fresh load of horseshit aboard.”

Before anyone else could say anything, she noticed the pile of opened MREs—which had been systematically opened, to find anything the horse could eat.  She groaned, “Phil, you and Chet get this mess cleaned up.  I’ll not have my plane looking like a pigsty.”

Goose, who had followed Wendy back to the rear of the plane, muttered, “What she meant to say, guys, is a ‘horse corral’.”

Wendy busted out laughing, walked over to the horse, and patted it.  “I surrender.  I guess I’ll have to learn to love the damn thing.  Speaking of which…sorta—just what do you plan on doing with the thing, Jim?”

“He’s not a ‘thing, Wendy—he’s a fine piece of Arabian horseflesh…a fine stud, if you haven’t noticed.”

“You say so.  And, no, I didn’t notice.  I don’t make it a habit to check out horse balls.”

 “As to what I plan to do with this fine animal is to have you fly him out to Montana for me.”

“Oh, great.”


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