Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Fido (Asps Series, Book #3) - Drew and Boris have a mission.

Today’s excerpt is from Fido, Book #3 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Drew and Boris prepare for a trip to discover who is behind organizing the al-Qaida camp the Asps and friends are attempting to dispatch.  Enjoy and have a great day.



 While the doctor—a good friend of Angelo, who had been told to forget the matter entirely—was working on the wounded, Drew, Boris, Trip, and Janet went into Angelo’s study for a drink, and a review of what had transpired.  While the conversation was starting, Sharon and Suzan found Andrew James and brought him into the study as well.  When those three arrived, Drew was telling Angelo about the successful mission and the plan for him and Boris to be flown to Laguna de Perlas.  At which point, Angelo interrupted, “Well, you are in luck.  I have a friend—a countryman of yours, Boris—who has a ranch not far from Laguna de Perlas, and he has an airstrip there.  There is none in Laguna de Perlas.  He has purchased several of my horses, and I have purchased a prime bull from him.  I’m sure he would be more than happy to have you land at his ranch if I ask…which I will do.  Boris, you may even know him somehow—his name is Vladimir Sokolov.”

Boris shook his head.  “I know no one by that name.  I do know a few Sokolovs, but not a Vladimir.  We would appreciate it greatly if you would arrange for us to land at his ranch…it will solve customs problems for us.  We can come up with the proper papers in short order, but getting weapons through customs can, at times, prove difficult.  Not, of course, that we couldn’t overcome it.”

Angelo agreed, “Good, I’ll call him shortly,” as he walked to his desk, picked up a picture, and continued, “Here is a picture of us with the bull I purchased from him.”

Boris looked at the picture and had the urge to laugh outright, but his face only twitched slightly as he paused and, as he handed the picture back.  “I’ll look forward to meeting a former ex-countryman of mine.”

After Angelo made the call, he offered, “I can have a pilot I use fly you, if you wish.”

Drew shook his head.  “Won’t be necessary.  Suzan and Jan are going to fly us in the plane Harry, Bruce, and their team came in.  But thank you for the offer.  Suzan, why don’t you and Jan give Angelo’s pilot a call, and find out how to navigate to the ranch?”

An hour later, they were airborne.  Once the plane was up, Drew looked at Boris.  “Okay, give.  I noticed your response when you looked at the picture.  You know the guy, don’t you?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact, I do.  His name is Vladimir…but not Sokolov.  His real name is Vladimir Zukov.  And there are people in Russia—very high-ranking people—who would love to know where Vladimir is.  He was KGB, and absconded with millions.  KGB had a…um, shall I say, slush fund of foreign currencies—United States Dollars, British Pounds, and German Deutsche Marks, primarily.  Our agents were encouraged to obtain foreign currencies whenever they could, and bring them back, to put into this fund, which was intended to be used by agents heading to those countries.  When the Soviet Union was in the process of collapsing, Vladimir disappeared with the lot…believed to be in excess of eight million dollars.  No one knew the exact amount for sure…or, if they did, they kept it to themselves.  A massive manhunt was soon launched to find Vladimir…obviously, it failed.  I think before we land, I best give old friend Vladimir a call.  That is why I asked for his number, rather than concern about Suzan and Jan getting lost trying to find his ranch.”

“You think this might compromise our welcome at his ranch?”

“Possibly.  But better to be told not to land than to have an unhappy reception when I get off the plane.  I have no reason to want him dead—nor any of us…obviously.”


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