Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Billy's Rescue (Asps Series, Book #7) - Wendy lands and picks up Billy.

Today’s excerpt is from Billy’s Rescue, Book #7 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Billy “rescued”…for now.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



 As those talks went on, Wendy was landing on the roadway where Billy patiently waited, after he had said goodbye to his Special Forces friends.  When the plane landed, the ramp started down, as Billy hurried to drive his buggy up into the bowels of the plane.  Once it was secured, Phil called forward to let Wendy know she could take off.  When the plane was up, Wendy called back on the intercom.  “All the damn Marines on this plane—front and center to the cockpit.”

Kye looked at Bear and shrugged, before the two of them led Billy forward to the cockpit.  When they arrived, Wendy growled, “Billy, you’re drunk.  You smell like crap…literally.  Here’s the deal…straight from Jim.  You don’t get cleaned up, Billy.  Sobering up would be nice.  After we pick Jack up, he thinks you need immediate attention on any of your dings, he can go ahead.  Don’t ask me why Jim wants it this way, but he does.  You two, take care of him.  Plenty of coffee for starters, then keep an eye on him, so he doesn’t get hurt.  A drunk on my plane…damn.”

 Billy slurred, “Good to see you, too, you sexy little redhead.”

Wendy laughed.  “Good to see you, too, Billy… glad you’re okay.”

Before Billy could say anything else, Kye and Bear hustled him to the rear of the plane, even as Maggie was laughing at Wendy’s performance.  When the three Marines were gone, she joked, “Nice way to treat our poor hurt hero.”

“Oh, I know.  But the damn guy had me worrying about him.  Then the first I see of him, he’s found some Special Forces guys in the middle of nowhere to get plowed with.  But I don’t really blame him…I’d probably have done the same thing—the release factor.”


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