Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Too Many Women - Book 1 of 3 Bob Becker Books (Other Books) - Bob gets a new client.

Today’s excerpt is from Too Many Women, the first of three Bob Becker books.  Bob gets a new client, after his office is shot up and he shots the two men responsible.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Terri swallowed as she walked alongside Bob.  As they headed toward the car, Bob asked, “If I may ask, why were you coming in to my office?”

“Hopefully to hire you—for protection.”

“From whom and why?”

“My husband.  He and two of his men killed a woman in our home yesterday.”

Bob frowned, “Normally I don’t take domestic cases—but in this case, I’d say you need protection, if these guys were after you.  I don’t come cheap.”

“I’m loaded…my own money.  Got more’n my husband.”

Bob grunted, and then as they reached the car, grabbed the hair of the dead man, lifted his head, and turned his face to give Terri a good look.  “That’s Moonbeam—one of the guys with my husband yesterday.  I think his last name is Brown.”

Bob chuckled while leading Terri around the car.  As he did, he scanned the area to look for more possible trouble and noted the sound of sirens getting nearer by the second.  When they reached the driver’s side of the car, the driver’s face was turned toward them.  Terri looked at him.  “Dingy Reid…the other guy from yesterday…um, with my husband.”

Bob led Terri back around the car.  Once there, he released her arm, and put his gun back in his right hand.  “May as well wait for the cops right here.  You want to tell me the full story of what’s going on?”


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