Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Escape From Mexico (More Books) - Michelle parks a car loaded with weapons on street inside Mexico...then goes shopping.

Today’s excerpt is from Escape From Mexico, a standalone book featuring the Beckers, Clyde Feegle, Jim Scott and some other old friends.  After parking a “bait” car, Michelle and the others do a bit of shopping.  Enjoy and have a great day.



The car with the two other ATF agents was waived right through the gate, after barely pulling to a complete stop. 

Then the procession continued until it reached the main “tourist” section of the city.  Ralph drove down the main street of that section of town, until he passed a parking space and was able to see another one about five cars up.  Everyone in the first two cars was wearing communication sets, and Ralph spoke into his, “Michelle, I just passed a parking spot—use it.”


Clyde muttered, “Damned tight spot you picked for her.”

Bob shook his head.  “No problem.  That darn gal could park a semi in a spot I couldn’t get a compact into.”

Michelle smiled inwardly, but said nothing, as she whipped into the tight spot, with nary a problem.  She was out looking for places to shop as she started walking on the sidewalk in the direction of where Ralph was parking.  About three shops past her parking slot, Michelle saw a store she thought might be interesting and went in.  By then the three men in the rental were out, and saw Michelle enter the shop. 

Clyde groaned, “I can’t believe she got into that tight a parking spot and is already shopping.”  Bob was already “window shopping” as he headed toward the store Michelle had gone into.

This time Michelle nearly laughed outright, but kept on looking the shop over.  When Bob reached that store, he looked in the window, shrugged, and walked in.  Meanwhile, Clyde walked off, away from Ralph, and went into a store selling local artworks.

Ralph satisfied himself with window shopping, doing so in a manner which allowed him to see the rental.  Less than two minutes later, he whispered into his communication set, “Well, well—they’re on the ball.  A panel truck just stopped next to Michelle’s car and two guys are getting out.  One’s getting into the car; the other is carrying what looks like a small version of the type of sign used to block traffic.  Hold on.  I can see the side of it now—yup, he has a sign on it that reads ‘No Parking’ in both English and Spanish.  Michelle, you’re gonna love this.  The idiot stealing the car is having a hell of a time getting out of the parking spot you whipped into without so much as a by-your-leave.”

Michelle, looking at Mexican-style clothing, grinned slightly, but kept on with her shopping.  Bob, his chest puffed out slightly with pride at his wife’s great ability to park, managed to not smile while walking toward a section of the store not too far from Michelle.  He spotted a sombrero-style hat and put it on.  There was a small mirror nearby and he was admiring the look when Michelle walked by.  She whispered, “Get that thing off your head—you look like a dork.”

Bob grunted as he put the hat back where he had found it.  Next he started checking out the large selection of colorful Mexican-style ponchos.  When he found one he liked, he put it on to see how it fit.  It didn’t, so he found a larger one of the same color and put it on.  As he decided this one would do, Michelle came back, looked at him, nodded, and muttered, “Better.  I’d like one just like it, if you can find one to fit me.”

Bob smirked, and tossed her the first one he had tried on.  Michelle put it on, liked the fit, handed it back, and grinned.  “Good.  Thanks.”

She walked off, with Bob shaking his head, but he took the two ponchos to the checkout area.  Then as an afterthought, he went back for his sombrero, since Michelle had her back turned to him while looking at blouses. 

He paid quickly and had all three items placed in a bag…with some colored tissue paper on top, to “hide” the sombrero.  When Michelle brought over the items she wanted, she looked at the bag, thought it looked a bit full for having just the two ponchos, but said nothing.


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