Thursday, March 10, 2016

Tears And Terrorists (Asps Series, Book #4) - Some joking around the edges of a serious matter.

Today’s excerpt is from Tears And Terrorists, Book #4 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Jim, Dan, and Janet kid around with the partially recovered Judy.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



 Everyone laughed as Jim poured a drink for Judy and they all sat down.  After a few minutes of idle chatter, Dan casually asked, “This might not be a good time to bring this up…but I was wondering about the track marks on your arm.  Do you remember doing drugs?”

“I noticed those, too.  They look old.  But to answer your question, no, I don’t remember doing drugs.  But I don’t remember getting drunk either, like you said I was when you found me.  And speaking of that, this booze is giving me a buzz.”

Jim noticed Judy was a bit uncomfortable so decided to change the subject.  “Now back to our situation as to the planned trip.  I repeat my earlier question, are either of you going?”

Dan looked at Janet, and Janet looked back at him, neither speaking for a few seconds.  Janet asked, “Honey, why don’t you go ahead?  While you’re gone, Judy and I can run down to Billings and do some girl shopping.”

“Great, there goes my next retirement check.”

After a few chuckles, Jim decided a bit of his off-the-wall humor was in order.  “Okay, that’s settled.  You go with us, Dan, and Jan can stay here and spend time with your ex-lover.”

Janet joked, “Damn sure better be ‘ex’.”

Judy smiled.  “I was hoping to play the sympathy gambit and get another turn with him.  He sure was good in bed, if I remember correctly.”

Janet shook her head.  “He wants you, he can have you…but not both of us…he’s not that good…and he’s getting old.  Barely can take care of my needs.”

Dan held up his hand and asked, “You two about through?”

“Nope,” answered Janet.

“No way,” agreed Judy.

Jim smiled.  “Dan, let this be a lesson to you.  Never have an ex-lover and a wife meet.  Can get you in all kinds of trouble…especially if the wife’s a redhead.”

Janet joked, “He said ‘meet.’  Ha, not only did I meet Judy, I had to stand there and watch him give Judy a shower and dry her off.”

“I don’t remember that…well, maybe a little.”

Janet was barely smiling.  “Just as well.  I remember it for both of us.”


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