Friday, March 11, 2016

Bear's War (Asps Series, Book #5) - Some humor amid a serious situation.

Today’s excerpt is from Bear’s War, Book #5 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Some humor before planning how to capture two terrorists a friend has aboard her charter plane…and what to do with them after the capture.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



 Jim crinkled up the corner of his mouth as he gently shook his head, then he continued, “After I knock them out, I’ll check for suicide pills in their teeth.  Only a few of these bozos are that dedicated, but I want to be sure we can question whoever in the hell Patty has on that plane.  Guess we’ll take them to the 130 and use our waterboard.  Any comments or suggestions?”

Sarah muttered, “Yeah, I feel left out.”

Holly joked, “Hush, Sarah.  You’ve got a job…feed Holly.”

Sarah had a baby girl she had named Holly Jennifer Turner.  She frowned.  “I can do it now and be done with it…and you know it.  I should feed her carrots and tell her it was your idea—she hates them.”

Jim shook his head.  “She’ll be hungry again by the time Patty gets here.  You stay put.”

Sarah pouted.  “I should take my leg off and hit you with it.”

Sarah had lost her leg in Iraq, as well as her first husband.  She had been a Marine Captain and had been walking with her husband when a roadside bomb exploded, killing him instantly and taking her leg off below the knee.  Jim had paid for the very best and most advanced prostheses, for which Sarah would be forever indebted to him.  Now he grumbled, “You do and you’ll buy the next one.”

Holly joked, “Yeah, with his hard head, it’s sure to break it.  But I agree with Jim, you stay put.”

Sarah, who lived with Bear in still another home built by Jim on the ranch, sighed.  “Yeah, okay.  But I’m not going up to my home.  I at least want to see you torture these guys.”

Jim frowned.  “I think we’ve had this conversation about waterboarding before…it ain’t torture…not that I’m opposed to torturing these Godless jackasses.  Now then, by my calculations, she’ll get here about midnight.  Gives us plenty of time to go over our plan and get set up.”


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