Thursday, March 24, 2016

Today’s excerpt is from Bigfoot Bait, the second of three Bob Becker books.  Bob starts the hunt inside the national forest while the others are on their way to help out.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



“I know, but truth be told, we’ve just finished the easy part.  You want me to wait for you, or go ahead in to nose around a bit.  We’ve still got several hours of daylight left, but will probably need every bit of it.”

“Go ahead…Holly and I just reached Reardan.  I haven’t even called Hector to see where he is.  We’ve all got the same Wenatchee map, so just let us know each road, path, et cetera, you come to, and check out.  We’ll figure out our plan of attack when we get there.”

“What I was thinking.  I’m gonna grab a fast bite to eat, gas up, then hit it.  See you when I see you.”

Jim nodded to himself before calling Hector.  “Where are you, pal?”

“On my damned way, amigo.  But I’m still the better part of an hour from you.”

“Okay—I’m gonna gas up, then get something to eat with Holly.  When I see you pull in, I’ll order you a burger and fries to go.”

“Thanks a heap.  You wanna do something silly—like telling me where you’re gonna eat?”

Jim had already spotted the café where he and Holly would eat.  As he was telling Hector where they’d be, Bob had already ordered his meal.  When he finished, he paid his check on his way to start what he hoped would not be a long hunt.


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