Thursday, March 31, 2016

Assassin I Am (More Books) - Rosemary takes first step in becomming an assassin.

Today’s excerpt is from Assassin I Am, a standalone book featuring new characters Fred Dupree and Rosemary Williams, as well as Hector Garcia, Jim Scott, and some other old friends.  After winning a bet with Fred, he agrees to Rosemary joining him on his mission.  Enjoy and have a great day.



“I served in the Corps myself for six years.  But I never got a chance to see any action—the Marine Corps made a computer geek outta me.  Knowing I’d never get a chance to get any revenge on Muslims for killing my dad and brother, I went for the big bucks when the government recruited me for my computer skills.  I’m actually employed by the Justice Department as sort of a roving computer anti-hacking fixer-upper.”

“Okay, that explains a lot.  You did, however, win our bet fair and square—though I still don’t understand how a little bit of a mite like you could best me.  You can go with me, but on the condition I laid down earlier.  You follow orders…to the letter.  I do have another question, though.  Have you ever killed anyone?”

“No—but will be happy to kill any Muslims you track down.  Was up to me, we’d line up all billion and a half of ‘em and gun down the lot.  I promise not to puke, the first one I kill.”

“Okay, you go.  But for now, go workout or something, while I call my boss and get chewed out.”

“Workout where?”

Fred jerked his thumb upward, stood, and walked to near the corner, where the windows covering the entire expanse of the living room met the wall behind where they had been sitting.  There was a door there, which he opened.  Behind it was a staircase.  “There’s a room on the roof.  It’s set back about ten feet from the front of the building.  Have fun.”

Rosemary turned around and sped into their bedroom.  There she changed clothes and came out wearing sweats and tennis shoes.  Fred looked at her.  “I thought the black outfit was the last one.”

“Oh, these don’t count.  They’re just for working out, or walking.  Make your phone call.  But I gotta warn you—working out makes me horny.”

“Good—if you’re horny on our little trip, it’ll keep you on edge and we might both stay alive.  If you’re wanting any more action from me, forget it.  I’m too old to go again, so soon after last night and this morning…actually twice this morning.  How you accomplished what you did before we got up, I don’t know—except to say you’re damned good.”

Rosemary pouted, but went to the staircase leading up through the roof.  Fred watched her leave before he dialed Harvey’s number.  Harvey answered, “Well?”

“Well, I notice there wasn’t anything about a phone dump on the cop.”

“Nothing of interest.  I’m betting on a burner phone for the type of call he’d have made to take you out on the plane.  How do you think you’ll proceed?”

“I’m going to St. Louis and nab him tonight, since he isn’t working.  You got a plane I can use, since mine got blown up?  And what about pilots—I mean ones as vetted as my guys?”

“Your plane should be landing at Luke in the next hour or so.  Sorta figured you’d be heading that way yet today.  The pilots are not vetted…at least to the extent your last crew was.  They do work for Homeland and should have better sense than to get nosey, but keep conversation with them to a minimum.  There’s a few other small airports in the area where you can land.  Let me know and I’ll have a car waiting for you.”

“God, I hate being so predictable.  I’ll be about two and a half hours getting to Luke.”

“Should leave you enough time to get to St. Louis before it gets too late—especially if you have to do any follow-up work.  What about Miss Williams.”

“She’s going with me.”

“Bullshit—no way.  Are you out of your mind?”

“You found me a backup yet?”

“Oh—you’re crazy, Frederick!”

“Harvey, her father and brother were Marines…both killed in action.  She was in the Corps for six years.  Is a computer genius that Justice more-or-less insisted she leave the Marine Corps to work for them, fixing computer problems…hacking problems.  Oh, and did I mention she and I had a little bet.  If she could outshoot me, she could go along; if not she stays here.  She outshot me…by more than a little.  She’ll be fine.”

“Horseshit!  No, you ignorant jackass.”

“Harvey, just have my plane waiting for me at Luke, and a car in St. Louis.  I’ll let the pilots figure out where they want to land, and one of them can call you with the location.  Goodbye.”

Before Fred put his phone down, he turned it off.

Harvey was fuming—mostly at Fred, but partially at himself for not having found someone to work with Fred. 


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