Friday, March 25, 2016

Pool Of Blood, Book 3 of 3 Bob Becker Books (Other Books) - Holly decides she and Jim will help out.

Today’s excerpt is from Pool Of Blood, the third of three Bob Becker books.  Reinforcements on the way to lend a hand with the problems facing Bob and Michelle.  Enjoy and have a great day.



Holly laughed, “Just fine…thanks for the compliment.  If your honey is handy, ask her if she’s ready for some more flying lessons.  Jim and I are on our way to the rehab complex.  We plan on spending a week or so in the area.”

“I’m sure she’d love it, Holly, but we’ve got a couple of hot fish to fry…not the least of which is Michelle getting shot at yesterday, coming out of the St. Charles courthouse.  This right after she picked up a new case on a guy who was convicted of a murder it really looks like he might not have done.  We don’t know if the two are connected at this point, but would like to see you and Jim—and maybe she can take some time to go flying.”

“Hold on, Bob—I’m changing course to your place.  Be there in about fifteen minutes.  What’s your wind direction?”

Bob stood up, looked out the window at the windsock at the end of his runway, and answered, “Calm.  You can come in either way.”

“See ya.”

Bob looked at the dead phone in his hand, laughed, and quickly told Michelle to expect guests, then explained Holly’s reaction to his report of the shooting.

Michelle explained to Lorri who Jim and Holly Scott were.  In addition to being friends, they had a background—not fully known to Bob and Michelle—in dealing with evildoers.

What Bob and Michelle didn’t know—beyond the fact that Jim was a retired Marine Major and former CIA operative—was that he had headed up a team doing off-the-books (black bag) jobs for the President from a few months before the 9/11 Islamist attack on America for over seven years.  Then Jim had funded a CIA operation that included some military personnel for another few years after his team was disbanded, late in “their President’s” second term.  They knew Holly was a former FBI agent—and knew whatever Jim had been up to, Holly had been right by his side.

Bob hurried to finish his still-colder breakfast, then hurried outside to get in a dune-buggy style cart he used to drive around his property.  He hurried to the runway, just as Holly was landing her plane.  Holly parked the plane near Bob’s refueling pumps.  Bob greeted Jim and Holly when they deplaned, and helped Jim load up their travel gear before they headed back to the house.  Once there, Bob introduced them to Lorri.  Tillie was soon all over Jim, as she recognized a friend who spoiled her every time he visited. 


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