Thursday, March 17, 2016

Adios, Amigos (Book #9 of the Asps Series) - Dan and Janet lending a hand in Bolivia.

Today’s excerpt is from Adios, Amigos, Book #9 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Dan and Janet take care of the two terrorists they are following while other members of the group deal with more terrorists elsewhere in Bolivia.  Enjoy and have a great day.



In the Land Rover, Dan thought things over for a second or two.  “Seems to me there is a stand of trees we can pull into, about half a mile past their house.  Let’s say we wait about half an hour, turn the lights on, and drive right on through town.  Even if they see us, they will just assume we are just passing through.”

“Sounds like a plan, hubby.”

Thirty minutes later, Dan started the Land Rover, turned the lights on, and did just that.  He drove by the mentioned stand of trees until he went around a bend in the road, then turned the lights back off and made a U-turn, so he was headed back to the trees.  When he pulled in, he got out, stretched, and looked at his wife.  “Okay, Jan.  You stay here to guard our chariot; I’ll go in to take out those two.  Better get up in this nice tree I parked near…just in case someone we don’t want to come along comes along.  Better look carefully in the tree for snakes before you go up.”

“Thanks for the thought, dear bedmate.  Come on, boost me up.”

Dan chuckled while he did as asked.  Janet in the tree, he headed off on his walk of less than half a mile.  As he walked, one of the men in the house, who had heard Dan drive by, looked out the window until he couldn’t see the lights of the vehicle any longer, and snuggled back into bed.  He was dead less than twenty minutes later, as Dan quietly entered the house, found one man, shot him, then found the one who had seen him drive by, and shot him as well.  He gathered up the money they carried, then called Janet, “Hi, dear.  How about hopping down from your tree to pick me up?  I’ll start walking your way.”

After Janet picked him up, he kissed her, before he suggested, “You drive for a while.  I’ll call Bruce to check in.  Want to see what he wants us to do now.”


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