Friday, March 18, 2016

Whodunit Did It - Book #1 of 3 Bader books (Other Books) - Elmer playing cupid.

Today’s excerpt is from Whodunit Did It, the first of three Elmer Bader books.  Elmer arranges for his partner to meet the sister of his third ex-wife and current lover.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



“Well, at least if you’re setting me up with a good-looking widow, she’s a rich one.”

They had just finished their conversation when Elmer turned down Ruth’s street.  As they got out of the car, Alan mumbled, “Well, here goes nothing.”

When Elmer opened the door with his key, Alan slowly followed him in.  Ruth ran up to Elmer, jumped and wrapped her legs around him as she gave him a big kiss.  She dislodged herself, kissed Alan on the cheek, then introduced her sister, Beth.

Alan almost fainted.  Beth Broody was without any doubt the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.  Elmer hadn’t lied about her body, either—it was magnificent.  He managed to stammer a weak, “Nice to meet you.”  He held out his hand to shake hers. 

Ruth hustled them in to the dining room table, before food was quickly served.  Ruth and Elmer soon found themselves carrying the conversation as Beth and Alan were either sizing each other up, or were too shy to do much talking—Elmer wasn’t sure which.

Alan did manage to tell Ruth how great the meal was, but had little else to say.  For her part, Beth also congratulated Ruth on a fine meal.  She also told Elmer how glad she was to see him again, but offered little more to the table conversation.

When all were finished eating, Elmer picked up his plate and Ruth’s, then headed toward the kitchen.  Alan followed along, with his plate and Beth’s.   As those two started the dishes, with Elmer washing and Alan drying, Ruth and Beth brought in the other items from the table.  Ruth nudged Beth with her elbow.  “Come on, Beth—get your workout clothes on.  We’ll meet the boys in there.”

“I don’t have workout clothes with me.”

“Borrow some of mine…the legs might be a bit short…the top a bit tight, but otherwise, they’ll work.”

Those two were busy into the routine Ruth had set out for them when the men arrived in their workout clothing.  With Elmer doing all he could to keep from laughing outright at Alan, Ruth put him through his paces as he moaned and groaned about how sore he still was from the previous night’s workout.

When the workout was finished, Elmer grinned, “Okay—partner, a fast shower before we hit the road.”

In the shower off her bedroom, Ruth jumped up on Elmer and wrapped her legs around him.  More than a shower took place.

Later, when everyone was dressed and near the front door, Elmer kissed Ruth, pecked Beth on the cheek, then gave a head jerk to Alan, “Come on, partner.”

As Elmer headed toward the door, Alan quickly thanked Ruth for a fine meal, and then went to Beth, and held out his hand.  “Nice to meet you.  Hope I get to see you again sometime.” In the car, as he backed down the drive, Elmer kidded, “Boy, you’re really smooth, partner.  ‘Nice to meet you.  Hope to see you again sometime.’  For God’s sake, is that the best you could do?”

“Aw, hell, Elmer—leave me alone.  The gal is way out of my league.  You know it.  Ruth knows it.  Beth sure as hell knows it.  Next time you fix me up with someone, make it someone not ten miles over my station in life—and my looks.”

Elmer just laughed.


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