Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Father Mulligan (Asps Series, Book #8) - MI6 traitor tracked down.

Today’s excerpt is from Father Mulligan, Book #8 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Drew, Boris, Pepper, and Suzan track down and capture the MI6 traitor.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Had Fugleman known Drew Hollins and Boris Telman were now engaged in the hunt for Aldridge, he would have also have known Aldridge was more than likely to be caught…and tell everything he knew.  In the tenth bar they went into, Boris was sitting inside the bar having a drink made from a very good brand of vodka—though not his favorite—when Drew walked in.  He made a loud spectacle of himself as he asked if anybody knew of the whereabouts of one Preston Aldridge.  He showed the traitor’s picture around.  He offered a ten thousand dollar, cash, no questions asked, reward for information leading to the man.  On finding no takers, Drew left the bar.  About ten seconds after Drew left, Boris had his man.  The man was sitting near a telephone in the rear of the bar…next to a side entrance/exit.  Boris could tell the man was trying to figure out if he should call or just get up and leave…more than likely, straight to Aldridge.  The man opted for the latter.  He hurriedly got up, then went out the side door.  Boris followed with great haste.  He smiled as he cleared the door. 

Drew had his Asp sticking in the man’s mouth.  He glanced at Boris and winked.  “Okay, my fine friend, there are two ways we can do this.  One will cause you a great deal of pain.  The other will cut off your supply of money from Aldridge, but that will happen either way.  Would you like to be a good boy by telling me just where Aldridge is—or will I have to ask my former KGB agent friend behind you to do the dirty work in finding out the information—which we will find out…trust me.”

The man swallowed.  He nodded his head as far as he dared, in fear the gun in his mouth would go off.  When said gun was removed, he was told to speak.  “I only have a phone number.”

Boris took one step, rabbit-punched the man to the back of the neck, then kicked him in the side when he landed on the ground.  “That is the last lie you will tell us.  In KGB we were taught to tell when being lied to by the sound of the voice doing the lying.  I will repeat the question for you:  Where is Aldridge?”

The man, in pain—as well as scared out of his wits at the appearing-from-nowhere knife in the big hand of Boris—told them where Preston Aldridge was.  On further questioning, he also told them Aldridge planned to leave the island by boat, where the boat would come in, and when it would be there—which would be early the following morning, at three.

Sure they had been told the truth, the men helped their captive to his feet, bound his hands behind his back, and put a hood on his head, as Boris told him to stand still.  By prior arrangement, it was agreed Drew would go for their car once they had someone with knowledge of Aldridge in their grasp.

Drew hurried to the car, now some half a mile away.  When he returned, he backed down the alley where Boris waited with the hooded man.  As he got out after popping the trunk release, Drew brought a strip of duct tape with him.  The hood soon came off and the duct tape was applied to the man’s mouth, before the hood went back on.  The man was placed, none too gently, in the trunk.

After Drew and Boris got back in the car, Drew called Pepper.  He told her which fleabag hotel Aldridge was in.  She reported, happily, it was not one she and Suzan had yet visited, so there should be no warning given to Aldridge.  When Pepper asked if she and Suzan should go ahead with the capture of Aldridge, Drew replied, “By all means.  No sense Boris and I should get all the fun.  We’ll meet you behind the hotel.”

By the time Drew drove to the rear of the hotel, a bound, gagged, and hooded Preston Aldridge stood between Suzan and Pepper, waiting patiently for their ride.  The capture had gone without any trouble.  Suzan, with slightly tan skin owing to her Cherokee bloodlines, had simply knocked on the door to Aldridge’s room.  She called out, “Gotta spray your room for bedbugs…some were discovered in the next room.”  She held up a can of bug spray they had gotten from the actual cleaning lady.

When Aldridge opened the door, he was looking at two women holding Asps.  His heart sank as he recognized Pepper from a picture of her in the Sir Alistair’s office.  The first time he had seen the picture, he had been told she was the greatest female spy alive…one with deadly instincts.  The picture had been taken fifteen years earlier when Pepper still had brown hair—rather than her present graying hair—but the cold steel-gray eyes he looked into told him his great gamble to spend a rich lifestyle with his mistress was now a lost bet.


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