Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Dead Silent Calm (Janitors Series, Book #7) - Drew and Boris in China.

Today’s excerpt is from Dead Silent Calm, Book #7 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Drew and Boris start their “spy thing” inside China.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



 At 6:00 sharp they were met at their door and escorted down to the very nice hotel restaurant, where they enjoyed a fine meal.  At the conclusion of the meal, Boris looked at the man who seemed to be heading the host team.  “I wonder if it would be possible for you to arrange two bicycles for us?  My old feet no longer appreciate long walks, and I’ve gotten in the habit of taking a nice long ride after my evening meal.”

Caught totally off-guard by the request, the man thought a few moments, then replied.  “Of course.  Perhaps two of my men should accompany you on your ride so you don’t get lost.”

Boris and Drew had discussed their plan long before getting on the plane to Beijing, and both anticipated being accompanied.  Boris nodded.  “I would appreciate that very much.  From what I saw of your lovely city on our drive from the airport, I can see where it’d be very easy to get lost.”

Soon Boris, Drew and their two “keepers” were cycling away.  Boris more or less led the way, seemingly cycling away aimlessly, but in reality looking for a concentration of heavy foot and cycle traffic.  When he saw what he was looking for he headed into a mass of humanity and soon managed to “accidentally” separate himself from the others. 

On the pretense of looking for the now “lost” Boris, Drew managed to impede both “keepers” and grinned inwardly at their panic at having lost one of their charges.

Convinced he’d lost the others, Boris turned down an alley he knew well and was soon on his way to the first of his old contacts.

Four hours later, Boris pulled his bicycle to a stop in front of the hotel and walked in.  One of the “keepers” saw him at once and rushed up.  Boris shook his head.  “What happened to you guys?  I managed to get myself lost and have been cycling around for hours.  It’s a wonder I ever made it back here.”

As he spoke, Boris had been taking off the heavy coat and hat he’d worn to protect against the chilly night as he walked toward the bank of elevators.

The “keeper” was so relieved that Boris had managed to find his way back, that he didn’t even question how he had managed to do so.  “I’m so very glad you made it back.  Please forgive my stupidity for having gotten separated from you.  Are you all right?”

“Yes.  Except I’m very tired and very sore.  I would imagine I won’t be back on a bicycle for a few days.  Thank you for your concern.”

Once in the suite, Boris looked at Drew.  “You could have been a bit of help, old man.  I managed to get myself fully lost.  This is one big damn city.”

By pre-arrangement between the two men, the phrase “one big damn city” was a signal that Boris had succeeded in his search for members of his old network and had also succeeded in finding out the information he sought.

Drew grinned and started a long running bit of teasing, all done to please their hosts and to sell the lie.

With an early day planned for the following morning, both men soon went to bed…after Boris took a hot bath to soothe his truly aching muscles.

As Boris would tell Drew much later, once they were safely out of China, he found the first of his old contacts no longer lived where he previously had.  Being “European” he did little in the way of questioning and was soon on his way to the second (and third) of his old network, a husband and wife team.  They still lived at the same location as they previously had, and showed Boris in with great glee at seeing him after an absence of several years.  From them, he found out that the first person he’d stopped to see had run afoul of the authorities and was dead, as was one other of his old network, though that one had died of natural causes.

Those niceties out of the way, Boris got to the point of his visit.  “Rather late to be asking this, but I assume you still have the debugging equipment I left with you and we are free to talk freely here.”

Assured that was the case, Boris continued, “Very well, then.  Do you know of Dr. Lee Biao?”

His contacts not only knew of Dr. Biao, but also knew exactly where in Zhejiang Province his facility was located.  After receiving a hand drawn map—which he committed to memory before burning it— and detailed verbal instructions on how to find the facility, Boris gave his friends five thousand dollars in Yuan he’d brought along for just that purpose.  Soon thereafter he was on his way back to the hotel.


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