Thursday, March 3, 2016

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Devil's Brew (Janitors Series, Book #8) - Jim calls old Marine buddy for help.

Today’s excerpt is from Devil’s Brew, Book #8 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Jim makes the first call to start trying to find two hundred or more former military men for the pending raid inside Syria to take out a very large al-Qaida training camp.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



 Jim just nodded, and after everyone went their separate directions, Jim made a few calls before getting a current home phone number for General Kowalski.  When Jim had him on the line, he said, “Hi, Ski.  How’re you doin’?”

“Fine, Jim.  Yourself?”

“Good, thanks.  Uh, Ski, I’ve got a bit of a problem.  I’ve got a little something to do for the guy you worked for until a few months ago.  I need manpower—and fast.  I’d like to assemble a team within forty-eight hours.  I want single, and without strong community ties.  Oh, and not employed by the government.”

“How many?”

“Two hundred or so.”

“God, Jim.  You don’t ask much.  I can give you one for sure.  I’m in.”

“Shit, Ski, I’d like to have you.  Would love to, but I did mention ‘single’ and I don’t want to start breaking the rules I set up with my first call.”

“Jane died three months before I retired.  I’m in.”

“Damn, Ski, I’m sorry.  I didn’t know.”

“Not to worry.  I can round us up maybe thirty…possibility a few more.  Pay?  Not for me, I don’t need anything.  For the guys.”

“Ample.  Up to six figures, if necessary.”

“I’ll get right on it.  Uh, your line secure?”

“Yeah, yours?”

“As it happens, it is.  Been doing some off-the-record consulting with the Commandant.  As you know, he and I go back a ways…great man, good friend.  Anyhow, am I to assume this is some sorta off the books mission and you don’t expect everyone to come back in one piece?”

“You are.”

“Where ya gonna assemble?”

“I’ll get back to you on that.   Have to arrange it.  I’m thinking either Camp Lejeune or Quantico.  I’d prefer Lejeune…our old base.  But, Quantico is closer and makes more sense.”

“It does.  Though I agree with you, I love Lejeune, too.  Would have rather gotten it than Pendleton back when.  Okay, I’m gone.  Be back to you ASAP.”

“Thanks, bye.”

“So long.”

Jim paused to take stock.  Anyone he knew, Hector knew.  Ski said thirty.  Knowing Ski, he’d probably get a few more.  How many was the question.  Time was of the essence.  They had a month at the outside, but Carter strongly hinted that sooner was better. 


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