Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Monster's Palace (Other Books) - Clyde and Greta head home from Dick's home.

Today’s excerpt is from Monster’s Palace, a standalone book featuring new hero Clyde Feegle, Jim Scott and some other old friends.  After the mission, Clyde rounds up his dog who had stayed at Dick’s home.  All is well until he reaches his front door…   Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



After parking in his garage, Dick got his war bag and sniper rifle out, but Clyde grunted, “I’ll get my stuff tomorrow.  For now I’ll just round up Greta (his dog) and walk home.  In case you haven’t noticed, it’s three AM.”

“I noticed.”

As the garage door closed—after Dick pushed the button near the door leading from the garage into his home—he punched in the security code for the alarm system.  Then the two went inside.  Greta was all over Clyde as he came in, and Dick’s dog, Buster, greeted him in like manner.  Both men also gave loving to the other’s “pooch” before Clyde got Greta’s halter and leash down from a kitchen hook near the now-closed door leading from the garage.

On the way to the front door with Greta, Clyde softly mumbled, “Tell Dolly thanks…again.  Let her know I didn’t want to wake her to offer said thanks.”

Dick was trailing along, with Buster alongside him, as the four passed the living room on the way to the foyer at the front door.  From the living room, the two men heard, “Tell Dolly yourself, Senior Chief Feegle—Dolly’s awake.  What in the hell are you doing bringing my husband home this time of the morning?”

Dolly came dragging herself out, clad in pajamas, robe, and slippers.  She kissed Dick as Clyde joked, “Nice outfit you’re wearing to greet weary warriors.”

Dolly smiled as she pecked Clyde on the cheek, then replied, “I notice you made no comment about my offering about the time of morning.”

“How astute, dear Dolly.  Thank you again for caring for Greta.  She behave herself?”

“Yes, she did…as always.  You guys have a successful mission?”

“Yup,” Dick answered.  “Bunch of bad guys gone bye-bye.”

Clyde was chuckling as he and Greta left.  The walk took longer than Clyde would have liked, as Greta had to smell what seemed like every tree and blade of grass on the walk home.  At least she didn’t have to relieve herself.  She saved that until they reached Clyde’s yard, but it was only to urinate in the middle of his yard, then they headed toward the front door.


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