Tuesday, March 22, 2016

How 'bout Both, Book 3 of 3 Elmer Bader books (Other Books) Elmer and Maine get protection detail.

Today’s excerpt is from How ‘bout Both, the third of three Elmer Bader books.  Maine, with a broken arm, and Elmer still in a hospital bed (but soon to be released) with his injuries get a protection detail from the chief of Police.  Enjoy and have a great day.



Just then two uniformed officer came into the room.  One nodded in Elmer’s direction.  “Hi, Lieutenant—got orders from the brass to babysit you until this deal is over.  Got two more outside the room.  We’re gonna rotate.”

Elmer grinned.  “See, Maine, how things have a way of working out?  Meet our new drivers.  Guys, it’s Elmer here in bed.  The one-armed gal is Maine…Bobbitt—but Maine is good enough.  You two are?”

The taller of the two answered, “I’m Stanley Dampler…Stan to my friends.  The short ugly guy there is Kenneth Keeton…Ken to his friends…but he has none.”

Elmer nodded.  “Hi, Stan…and Ken.  Uh, who brass?”

Ken answered, “The Chief…we normally work security for him.  We’re now working security for you.  The two guys outside the room are just with us until you check out of the hospital.  Then we’re with you twenty-four hours a day.  The Chief said you could bunk us out at your home, until you catch this bastard—er, excuse the language, ladies.”

Ruth joked, “I’ve heard worse.  You’re welcome at our home…thank you.”

Helen laughed.  “I’ve said a lot worse.  So has Maine.  You should have heard her when they led her out of the demolished hotel today after she found out Elmer was dinged up pretty good.”

Maine just smiled and nodded.  Elmer joked, “Yeah, she cusses a lot in the car too when we’re heading somewhere in a hurry.  Sure glad the citizens she’s cussing at to get out of our way can’t hear her.”

Maine rolled her eyes, but said nothing. 


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